Deutsch Intern
Chair of Computer Science I - Algorithms and Complexity

New at the Department of Computer Science


On August 1, Prof. Alexander Wolff became head of the chair of Computer Science I.

Since the retirement of Prof. Noltemeier, the chair had been headed temporarily by Prof. Seipel.

Prof. Wolff obtained, in 1999, his PhD from FU Berlin.  After teaching at the universities of Greifswald and Konstanz, he moved to Karlsruhe University (now KIT) where he led the project GeoNet (Geometric Networks and Their Visualization).  The project was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).  In 2006, he did his habilitation.  Later in that year, he joined the Algorithms group at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU Eindhoven.

In the upcoming fall term, Prof. Wolff will give lectures on "Algorithms and Data Structures" and "Computational Geometry".  Apart from the visualization of graphs, theses are his main areas of research.
