Deutsch Intern
Institute of Computer Science



Im Sommersemester 2011 findet im Rahmen des Informatik-Kolloquiums der folgende Vortrag statt:

Dienstag, 21. Juni 2011, 17.00 Uhr, ÜR I

Dr. Riko Jacob (Technische Universität München)

Engineering Architecture Aware Algorithms
Two Case Studies and Some Thoughts on Algorithm Engineering

I will present preliminary results from two ongoing projects, both regarding memory intensive tasks in (huge) internal memory. One is asking the question if I/O-efficient (sorting based) algorithms can outperform the direct algorithm when permuting several gigabytes of data in internal memory. The other one reports on an efficient implementation for numerical computations in high dimensional settings using so called sparse grids. Again, the improved implementation is inspired by I/O-efficient algorithms.
Furthermore, I will try to show how these two examples fit into the framework of algorithm engineering, i.e., using and combining theoretical models and experiments to find the algorithm and implementation that performs best on a given hardware.

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Die Dozenten der Informatik