Deutsch Intern
  • humans and virtual reality
Institute of Computer Science


The XtAI and AI&XR Labs provide knowledge about the most important steps and tools for the design and development of an AI and XR application. Knowledge such as common data handling and processing techniques, libraries, and integration with augmented reality applications will be taught in a theoretical or hands-on format. Group work will include planning, design, creation, evaluation, and refinement of a comprehensive AI&XR application models.

The following lecture chairs currently offer XtAI Labs:

WueCampus course

Introductory event

   Introductory event:  Date: 18.10.2023, 10:15 a.m., Location: HS4 (Lecture Hall 4) the Science Lecture Hall Building (P4)     

At the XtAI Labs introductory event, chairs IV, IX, X, XV and Reinforcement Learning and Computational Decision-Making  will provide information on XtAI Labs and topics offered this winter term.

Date: 18.10.2023, 10:15 .a.m
Location: HS4 (Lecture Hall 4) the Science Lecture Hall Building (P4)