OPELA - Konzeptstudie zur integrierten Optimierung von e-Mobilität und Ladestrategien im Anwendungskontext Mitarbeitermobilität

Partner | Flughafen München GmbH Sixt SE |
Funder | Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Affairs |
Funded period | September 2021 - August 2023 |
Researcher | Prof. Dr. Marco Pruckner Paul Benz M.Sc. |
Project Description
The shift to electromobility is considered an important step in the course of the energy transition and thus on the way to climate protection. The accompanying increase in the utilization of the surrounding energy systems to supply the charging infrastructure brings with it challenges. In OPELA, the project partners are addressing the effects of energy demand from charging events on the higher-level power grid in a concept study. To this end, the increasing demand for charging power is being simulated for a virtual charging infrastructure at Munich Airport and evaluated on the basis of future scenarios. The core of the research project, which is funded by mFund, is the exploitation of the flexibility potential of charging events for improved grid integration. For example, peak loads can be reduced by postponing charging processes while the vehicles are connected. At the same time, local PV power generation is taken into account to maximize the share of renewable energy used for charging.
Our contribution to the project: Modeling energy demand
A realistic estimation of the development of the demand for charging energy, based on the expected increase in the share of electric vehicles on German roads, is an essential part of the scenarios considered. For this purpose, an energy demand model developed by us is used, which estimates the charging energy demand at the charging infrastructure in a time-resolved manner on the basis of specific consumption data of different vehicle classes as well as a model of mobility behavior. The data generated in this way serves as the basis for optimizing charging management during the course of the project.