EU FP7 SmartenIT
SmartenIT: Socially-aware Management of New Overlay Application Traffic combined with Energy Efficiency in the Internet

Head | Florian Wamser |
Researchers | Valentin Burger |
Michael Seufert | |
Tobias Hoßfeld |
The Internet has seen a strong move to support overlay applications, which demand a coherent and integrated control in underlying heterogeneous networks in a scalable, resilient, and energy-efficient manner. A tighter integration of network management and overlay service functionality can lead to cross-layer optimization of operations and management, thus, being a promising approach to offer a large business potential in operational perspectives for all players involved. Therefore, SmartenIT (Socially-aware Management of New Overlay Application Traffic combined with Energy Efficiency in the Internet) targets at an incentive-compatible cross-layer network management for providers of overlay-based application (e.g., cloud applications, content delivery, and social networks), network providers, and end-users to ensure a QoE-awareness, by addressing accordingly load and traffic patterns or special application requirements, and exploiting at the same time social awareness (in terms of user relations and interests). Moreover, energy efficiency with respect to both end-user devices and underlying networking infrastructure is tackled to ensure an operationally efficient management. Incentive-compatible network management mechanisms for improving metrics on an inter-domain basis for ISPs serve as the major mechanism to deal with and investigate real-life scenarios.
Identifying QoE Optimal Adaptation of HTTP Adaptive Streaming Based on Subjective Studies. . In Computer Networks, 81, pp. 320–332. 2015.
A Survey on Quality of Experience of HTTP Adaptive Streaming. . In IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 17, pp. 469–492. 2015.
Close to Optimum? User-centric Evaluation of Adaptation Logics for HTTP Adaptive Streaming. . In PIK - Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, 37, pp. 275–285. 2014.
Interfaces, Attributes, and Use Cases: A Compass for SDN. . In IEEE Communications Magazine, 52, pp. 210–217. 2014.
On the computation of entropy production in stationary social networks. . In Social Network Analysis and Mining, 4. 2014.
Socially-Aware Traffic Management. . In Socioinformatics - The Social Impact of Interactions between Humans and IT, K. Zweig, W. Neuser, V. Pipek, M. Rohde, I. Scholtes (eds.). Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Towards a Socially-Aware Management of New Overlay Application Traffic Combined with Energy Efficiency in the Internet (SmartenIT). . In The Future Internet, A. G. Alex Galis (ed.). Springer, LNCS 7858, 2013.
Evaluating the Impact of WiFi Offloading on Mobile Users of HTTP Adaptive Video Streaming. . In 5th IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Experience for Multimedia Communications (QoEMC). Washington, DC, USA, 2016.
Impact of Intermediate Layer on Quality of Experience of HTTP Adaptive Streaming. . In 11th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM). Barcelona, Spain, 2015.
Trade-Off between QoE and Operational Cost in Edge Resource Supported Video Streaming. . In 10th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC). Krakow, Poland, 2015.
Augmenting Home Routers for Socially-Aware Traffic Management. . In 40th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN). Clearwater Beach, FL, USA, 2015.
Energy Considerations for WiFi Offloading of Video Streaming. . In 7th EAI International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI). Santander, Spain, 2015.
Analysis of Group-based Communication in WhatsApp. . In 7th EAI International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI). Santander, Spain, 2015.
Impact of WiFi Offloading on Video Streaming QoE in Urban Environments. . In IEEE Workshop on Quality of Experience-based Management for Future Internet Applications and Services (QoE-FI). London, UK, 2015.
Utilizing Home Router Caches to Augment CDNs towards Information-Centric Networking. . In European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC). Paris, France, 2015.
QoE of YouTube Video Streaming for Current Internet Transport Protocols. . In Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems (MMB 2014). Bamberg, Germany, 2014.
Increasing the Coverage of Vantage Points in Distributed Active Network Measurements by Crowdsourcing. . In Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems (MMB 2014). Bamberg, Germany, 2014.
Performance Model for Waiting Times in Cloud File Synchronization Services. . In 26th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC). Karlskrona, Sweden, 2014.
An Overview of Application Traffic Management Approaches: Challenges and Potential Extensions. . In 8th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS). Birmingham, UK, 2014.
Socially-aware Management of New Overlay Applications Traffic - The Optimization Potentials of the SmartenIT Approach. . In 6th International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI). Würzburg, Germany, 2014.
Assessing Effect Sizes of Influence Factors Towards a QoE Model for HTTP Adaptive Streaming. . In 6th International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). Singapore, 2014.
Gamification Framework for Personalized Surveys on Relationships in Online Social Networks. . In 1st International Workshop on Crowdsourcing and Gamification in the Cloud (CGCloud). Dresden, Germany, 2013.
Trade-Offs for Video-Providers in LTE Networks: Smartphone Energy Consumption Vs Wasted Traffic. . In 22nd International Teletraffic Congress Specialist Seminar on Energy Efficient and Green Networking. Christchurch, New Zealand, 2013.
HORST - Home Router Sharing based on Trust. . In Workshop on Social-aware Economic Traffic Management for Overlay and Cloud Applications (SETM). Zurich, Switzerland, 2013.
Need for Speed? On Quality of Experience for File Storage Services. . In 4th International Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems (PQS 2013). Vienna, Austria, 2013.
Socially-Aware Traffic Management. . In Workshop Sozioinformatik. Koblenz, Germany, 2013.
Implementation and User-centric Comparison of a Novel Adaptation Logic for DASH with SVC. . In IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Experience Centric Management (QCMan), Best Paper Award. Ghent, Belgium, 2013.
Pippi Longstocking Calculus for Temporal Stimuli Pattern on YouTube QoE. . In 5th ACM Workshop on Mobile Video (MoVid 2013). Oslo, Norway, 2013.
Impact of Intermediate Layer on Quality of Experience of HTTP Adaptive Streaming. . Barcelona, Spain, 2015, November.
WiFi Offloading and Socially Aware Prefetching on Augmented Home Routers. . Clearwater Beach, FL, USA, 2015, October.
HORST - Home Router Sharing based on Trust. . Zurich, Switzerland, 2013, October.
Evaluating the Impact of WiFi Offloading on Mobile Users of HTTP Adaptive Video Streaming. . 5th IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Experience for Multimedia Communications (QoEMC), Washington, DC, USA, 2016, December 8.
Analysis of Group-based Communication in WhatsApp. . 7th EAI International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (MONAMI), Santander, Spain, 2015, September 18.
Assessing Effect Sizes of Influence Factors Towards a QoE Model for HTTP Adaptive Streaming. . 6th International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), Singapore, 2014, September 19.
Gamification Framework for Personalized Surveys on Relationships in Online Social Networks. . 1st International Workshop on Crowdsourcing and Gamification in the Cloud (CGCloud), Dresden, Germany, 2013, December 9.
Socially-Aware Traffic Management. . Workshop Sozioinformatik, Koblenz, Germany, 2013, September 16.
A Survey of Cloud Services and Potential Applications of Social Awareness. Technical Report (496), . . University of Wuerzburg, 2015.
Crowdsourced Subjective User Study Results on QoE Influence Factors of HTTP Adaptive Streaming. Technical Report (491), . . University of Wuerzburg, 2014.
A Survey on Quality of Experience of HTTP Adaptive Streaming. Technical Report (490), . . University of Wuerzburg, 2014.