Artikel in einem Konferenzband
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2024[ to top ]
FaaSt: A Latency-aware Serverless Scheme for Edge–Cloud Environments. . In IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking (CLOUDNET). 2024.
Studying Slot Assignment for Multi-Gateway Time Scheduled Channel Access in LoRaWan. . In 2024 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking). Thessaloniki, Greece, 2024.
Centralized vs. Decentralized: A Hybrid Performance Model of the TSN Resource Allocation Protocol. . In 20th International Conference on Network and Service Management. 2024.
Investigation of Serverless Consumption and Performance in Multi-Access Edge Computing. . In The 38th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN). 2024.
Investigation of Container Network Function Deployment Costs in the Edge Cloud. . In 27th Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN). 2024.
The Effects of Topologies on the Performance of Real-Time Networks. . In 2024 IEEE 10th International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft). 2024.
QoEXplainer: Mediating Explainable Quality of Experience Models with Large Language Models. . In 16th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). Karlshamn, Sweden, 2024.
HALIDS: a hardware-assisted machine learning IDS for in-network monitoring. . In 2024 8th Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), Dresden, Germany. 2024.
Sitting, Chatting, Waiting: Influence of Loading Times on Mobile Instant Messaging QoE. . In 16th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). Karlshamn, Sweden, 2024.
(Not) The Sum of Its Parts: Relating Individual Video and Browsing Stimuli to Web Session QoE. . In 16th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). Karlshamn, Sweden, 2024.
Industry Use Case Viability Study with Performance Models for Satellite Computing Networks. . In 2024 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking). Thessaloniki, Greece, 2024.
Certainly Uncertain: Demystifying ML Uncertainty for Active Learning in Network Monitoring Tasks. . In 20th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM). Prague, Czech Republic, 2024.
Agree to Disagree: Exploring Consensus of XAI Methods for ML-based NIDS. . In 1st Workshop on Network Security Operations (NeSecOr) as part of CNSM’24. Prague, Czech Republic, 2024.
Time-Sensitive Networking over the Air: Combining 5G and TSN. . In WueWoWAS’24 KuVS Fachgespraech - Wuerzburg Workshop on Next-Generation Communication Networks. 2024.
Fitting the Puzzle: Towards Source Traffic Modeling For Mobile Instant Messaging. . In 2024 15th International Conference on Network of the Future (NoF). Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain, 2024.
2023[ to top ]
Paving the Way for an Energy Efficient and Sustainable Future Internet of Things. . In KuVS Fachgespräch - Würzburg Workshop on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Next-Generation Communication Networks 2023. 2023.
Serverless Computing Lifecycle Model for Edge Cloud Deployments. . In IEEE International Conference on Communications 2023 - GreenNet Workshop. 2023.
NB-IoT vs. LTE-M: Measurement Study of the Energy Consumption of LPWAN Technologies. . In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops). 2023.
DBM: Decentralized Burst Mitigation for Periodic LoRa Devices using Self-Organizing Radio Access. . In ICC 2023 - IEEE International Conference on Communications. 2023.
Challenges of Serverless Deployment in Edge-MEC-Cloud. . In KuVS Fachgespräch - Würzburg Workshop on Next-Generation Communication Networks 2023. 2023.
Traffic-Adaptive Scheme for SDN Control Plane with Containerized Architecture. . In 2023 17th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (IMCOM). 2023.
Machine Learning Based Study of QoE Metrics in Twitch. tv Live Streaming. . In IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS). 2023.
Moving Down the Stack: Performance Evaluation of Packet Processing Technologies for Stateful Firewalls. . In 34th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS). Miami, Florida, 2023.
Uplink-based Live Session Model for Stalling Prediction in Video Streaming. . In IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS). 2023.
Towards Understanding the Signaling Traffic in 5G Core Networks. . In KuVS Fachgespräch - Würzburg Workshop on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Next-Generation Communication Networks 2023. 2023.
Understanding the Performance of Different Packet Reception and Timestamping Methods in Linux. . In WueWoWAS’23 KuVS Fachgespraech - Wuerzburg Workshop on Next-Generation Communication Networks. 2023.
Resilience in Time-Sensitive Networking: An Overview and Open Research Directions. . In 2023 13th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM). 2023.
Collision and Energy Efficiency Assessment of LoRaWANs with Cluster-Based Gateway Placement. . In IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops. 2023.
Demystifying User-based Active Learning for Network Monitoring Tasks. . In 2nd Workshop on Machine Learning & Networking (MaLeNe) as part of NetSys’23. Potsdam, Germany, 2023.
Discrete-Time Analysis of Multi-Component Queuing Networks under Renewal Approximation. . In 34th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC). Shenzhen, China. 2023.
Developing a Library of Problem Scenarios for Time-Sensitive and Real-Time Networking. . In International Conference on Networked Systems 2023 (NetSys). 2023.
Accurate Live Visualization of Packet Delays, Inter-Arrival Times, and Burstiness for Real-Time Networks. . In International Conference on Networked Systems 2023 (NetSys). 2023.
Explainable Data-Driven QoE Modelling using XAI. . In 15th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). Ghent, Belgium, 2023.
On the Validity of Credit-Based Shaper Delay Guarantees in Decentralized Reservation Protocols. . In 31st International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems. 2023.
2022[ to top ]
Analytical Model for the Energy Efficiency in Low Power IoT Deployments. . In 1st International Workshop on Network Energy Efficiency in the Softwarization Era. 2022.
ML-based Performance Prediction of SDN using Simulated Data from Real and Synthetic Networks. . In 33th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS). Budapest, Hungary, 2022.
Simulative Performance Study of Slotted Aloha for LoRaWAN Channel Access. . In IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium. 2022.
On Learning Hierarchical Embeddings from Encrypted Network Traffic. . In 33th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS). Budapest, Hungary, 2022.
Characterizing Mobile Signaling Anomalies in the Internet-of-Things. . In 2nd IFIP/IEEE International workshop on Fully-Flexible Internet Architectures and Protocols for the Next-Generation Tactile Internet (FlexNGIA). 2022.
DeepCrypt - Deep Learning for QoE Monitoring and Fingerprinting of User Actions in Adaptive Video Streaming. . In IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (IEEE NetSoft 2022). 2022.
Constant Delay Switching: Asynchronous Traffic Shaping with Jitter Control. . In 2022 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking). 2022.
X-Ray Goggles for the ISP: Improving in-Network Web and App QoE Monitoring with Deep Learning. . In Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA). 2022.
Graph-Based Gateway Placement for Better Performance in LoRaWAN Deployments. . In 20th Mediterranean Communication and Computer Networking Conference (MedComNet). 2022.
Data Usage in IoT: A Characterization of GTP Tunnels in M2M Mobile Networks. . In 2nd IFIP/IEEE International workshop on Fully-Flexible Internet Architectures and Protocols for the Next-Generation Tactile Internet (FlexNGIA). 2022.
DBM: Decentralized Burst Mitigation for Self-Organizing LoRa Deployments. . In KuVS Fachgespräch - Würzburg Workshop on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Next-Generation Communication Networks 2022. 2022.
Discrete-Time Analysis of Multi-Component Queuing Networks under Renewal Approximation. . In 34st International Teletraffic Congress (ITC). , Shenzhen, China. 2022.
Affordable Measurement Setups for Networking Device Latency with Sub-Microsecond Accuracy. . In WueWoWAS’22 KuVS Fachgespraech - Wuerzburg Workshop on Next-Generation Communication Networks. 2022.
Generic Model to Quantify Energy Consumption for Different LoRaWAN Channel Access Methods. . In 18th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob). 2022.
Fingerprinting Webpages and Smartphone Apps from Encrypted Network Traffic with WebScanner. . In Global Internet (GI) Symposium. Paris, France, 2022.
Comparing Traditional and GAN-based Approaches for the Synthesis of Wide Area Network Topologies. . In 18th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM). Thessaloniki, Greece, 2022.
Waiting along the Path: How Browsing Delays Impact the QoE of Music Streaming Applications. . In 14th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). 2022.
A Vital Improvement? Relating Google’s Core Web Vitals to Actual Web QoE. . In 14th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), Best Paper Award. Lippstadt, Germany, 2022.
Identification of Signaling Patterns in Mobile IoT Signaling Traffic. . In WueWoWAS 22 - KuVS Fachgespräch - Würzburg Workshop on Next-Generation Communication Networks. 2022.
LoRaWAN Network Planning in Smart Environments: Towards Reliability, Scalability, and Cost Reduction. . In WueWoWAS 22 - KuVS Fachgespräch - Würzburg Workshop on Next-Generation Communication Networks. 2022.
Not all Web Pages are Born the Same. Content Tailored Learning for Web QoE Inference. . In IEEE International Symposium on Measurements & Networking (M&N 2022). 2022.
2021[ to top ]
Dynamic Real-Time Stream Reservation with TAS and Shared Time Windows. . In 2nd International Workshop on Time-Sensitive and Deterministic Networking (TENSOR). 2021.
Quality that Matters: QoE Monitoring in Education Service Provider (ESP) Networks. . In IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2021). Bordeaux, France (Virtual Conference), 2021.
Signaling Traffic in Internet-of-Things Mobile Networks. . In IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2021). Bordeaux, France (Virtual Conference), 2021.
ML-Assisted Latency Assignments in Time-Sensitive Networking. . In IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2021). Bordeaux, France (Virtual Conference), 2021.
Trust but Verify: Crowdsourced Mobile Network Measurements and Statistical Validity Measures. . In 2021 Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit (EuCNC/6G Summit). Porto, Portugal (virtual conference), 2021.
QoE Models in the Wild: Comparing Video QoE Models Using a Crowdsourced Data Set. . In 2021 13th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). Montreal, Canada (virtual conference), 2021.
High Performance Network Metadata Extraction Using P4 for ML-Based Intrusion Detection Systems. . In 22nd International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR). Paris, France (Virtual Conference), 2021.
On Inter-Rater Reliability for Crowdsourced QoE. . In 13th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). Montreal, Canada (Virtual Conference), 2021.
Relationship Status: It’s Complicated. Using APM as a QoE-qualifying Tempo Metric. . In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2021). 2021.
Talk to Me: Investigating the Traffic Characteristics of Amazon Echo Dot and Google Home. . In International Conference on Communications and Electronics, ICCE. 2021.
Distributed Implementation of Deterministic Networking in Existing Non-TSN Ethernet Switches. . In Workshop on Time-sensitive and Deterministic Networking (TsDN). 2021.
How are your Apps Doing? QoE Inference and Analysis in Mobile Devices. . In 17th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM). Izmir, Turkey (Virtual Conference), 2021.
On Machine Learning based Video QoE Estimation Across Different Networks. . In 16th International Conference on Telecommunications (ConTEL), Best Paper Award. Zagreb, Croatia (Virtual Conference), 2021.
Machine Learning-based Service Function Chain over UAVs: Resource Profiling and Framework. . In 2021 31st International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ITNAC). Sydney, Australia, 2021.
Robust Gateway Placement for Scalable LoRaWAN. . In 13th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC). 2021.
Discrete-time Analysis of Multicomponent GI/GI/1 Queueing Networks. . In Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys). 2021.
Improving LoRaWAN’s Successful Information Transmission Rate with Redundancy. . In 17th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob). 2021.
Mobile Web and App QoE Monitoring for ISPs - from Encrypted Traffic to Speed Index through Machine Learning. . In 13th Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC), Best Paper Award. Montreal, Canada (Virtual Conference), 2021.
Machine-Learning Based Prediction of Next HTTP Request Arrival Time in Adaptive Video Streaming. . In 3rd International Workshop on High-Precision, Predictable, and Low-Latency Networking (HiPNet). Izmir, Turkey (Virtual Conference), 2021.
Browser Fingerprinting: How to Protect Machine Learning Models and Data with Differential Privacy?. . In 1st International Workshop on Machine Learning in Networking (MaLeNe) as part of NetSys’21. Lübeck, Germany (Virtual Conference), 2021.
2020[ to top ]
Personal Task Design Preferences of Crowdworkers. . In 12th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). Athlone, Ireland, 2020.
Simulative Evaluation of KPIs in SDN for Topology Classification and Performance Prediction Models. . In 2020 16th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM). 2020.
Optimizing HAS for 360-Degree Videos. . In 5th IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Analytics for Network and Service Management (AnNet). Budapest, Hungary, 2020.
Is the Uplink Enough? Estimating Video Stalls from Encrypted Network Traffic. . In 32th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium. Budapest, Hungary, 2020.
QoE Assessment of Enterprise Applications based on Self-motivated Ratings. . In 12th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). Athlone, Ireland, 2020.
Don’t Stop the Music: Crowdsourced QoE Assessment of Music Streaming with Stalling. . In 12th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). Athlone, Ireland, 2020.
Different Points of View: Impact of 3D Point Cloud Reduction on QoE of Rendered Images. . In 12th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). Athlone, Ireland, 2020.
Studying the Impact of the Content Selection Method on the Video QoE on Mobile Devices. . In 12th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). Athlone, Ireland, 2020.
Poster: Per-Hop Bridge-Local Latency Bounds with Strict Priority Transmission Selection. . In IFIP Networking Conference. 2020.
Crowdsourced Network Measurements in Germany: Mobile Internet Experience from End User Perspective. . In Broadband Coverage in Germany; 14. ITG Symposium. Berlin, 2020.
Scoring High: Analysis and Prediction of Viewer Behavior and Engagement in the Context of 2018 FIFA WC Live Streaming. . In Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM). Seattle, WA, USA, 2020.
Are you on Mobile or Desktop? On the Impact of End-User Device on Web QoE Inference from Encrypted Traffic. . In 16th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM). Izmir, Turkey, 2020.
Bounded Latency with Bridge-Local Stream Reservation and Strict Priority Queuing. . In 11th International Conference on Network of the Future (NoF). 2020.
Mind the (QoE) Gap: On the Incompatibility of Web and Video QoE Models in the Wild. . In 16th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM). Izmir, Turkey, 2020.
Improving Web QoE Monitoring for Encrypted Network Traffic through Time Series Modeling. . In 2nd Workshop on AI in Networks and Distributed Systems (WAIN). Milan, Italy, 2020.
From QoS Distributions to QoE Distributions: a System’s Perspective. . In 4th International Workshop on Quality of Experience Management (QoE Management 2020), featured by IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (IEEE NetSoft 2020). Ghent, Belgium, 2020.
2019[ to top ]
QUICker or not? - an Empirical Analysis of QUIC vs TCP for Video Streaming QoE Provisioning. . In 3rd International Workshop on Quality of Experience Management (QoE-Management). Paris, France, 2019.
Gray, Nicholas, et al. "Highlighting the Gap Between Expected and Actual Behavior in P4-enabled Networks. . In IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM). 2019.
Energy-Efficient Adaptation Logic for HTTP Streaming in Mobile Networks. . In 2019 International Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys). 2019.
Web Performance Pitfalls. . In Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM). 2019.
KOMon - Kernel-based Online Monitoring of VNF Packet Processing Times. . In 2019 International Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys), Best Paper Award. 2019.
A Simulation of Asynchronous Traffic Shapers in Switched Ethernet Networks. . In Workshop for Advanced Communication Networks for Industrial Applications. 2019.
BBGDASH: A Max-Min Bounded Bitrate Guidance for SDN Enabled Adaptive Video Streaming. . In 22nd Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks and Workshops (ICIN. 2019.
Computing QoE-relevant Adaptive Video Streaming Metrics using Discrete-Time Analysis. . In Third International Workshop on Quality of Experience Management 2019. 2019.
Stream-based Machine Learning for Real-time QoE Analysis of Encrypted Video Streaming Traffic. . In 3rd International Workshop on Quality of Experience Management (QoE-Management). Paris, France, 2019.
Peeking under the Hood – How the Measurement Setup Influences the Video Streaming Behavior. . In The 3rd International Workshop on Quality of Experience Management (QoE-Management 2019). Paris, France, 2019.
The Interplay between QoE, User Behavior and System Blocking in QoE Management. . In 22nd Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks and Workshops (ICIN). 2019.
Fundamental Relationships for Deriving QoE in Systems. . In 2019 Eleventh International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX) (QoMEX 2019). 2019.
Discrete-Time Modeling of NFV Accelerators that Exploit Batched Processing. . In IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (Infocom). 2019.
Features that Matter: Feature Selection for On-line Stalling Prediction in Encrypted Video Streaming. . In 2nd International Workshop on Network Intelligence (NI). Paris, France, 2019.
In Vivo or in Vitro? Influence of the Study Design on Crowdsourced Video QoE. . In 11th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). 2019.
Online Detection of Stalling and Scrubbing in Adaptive Video Streaming. . In 17th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt). Avignon, France, 2019.
On the Analysis of YouTube QoE in Cellular Networks through in-Smartphone Measurements. . In 12th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC). Paris, France, 2019.
User Behavior and Engagement of a Mobile Video Streaming User from Crowdsourced Measurements. . In 2019 Eleventh International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). 2019.
I See What you See: Real Time Prediction of Video Quality from Encrypted Streaming Traffic. . In 4th Workshop on QoE-based Analysis and Management of Data Communication Networks (Internet-QoE). Los Cabos, Mexico, 2019.
Traffic Measurement Study on Video Streaming with the Amazon Echo Show. . In 4th Internet-QoE Workshop: QoE-based Analysis and Management of Data Communication Networks. 2019.
Crowd-based Study of Gameplay Impairments and Player Performance in DOTA 2. . In 4th Internet-QoE Workshop: QoE-based Analysis and Management of Data Communication Networks (Internet-QoE’19). Los Cabos, Mexico, 2019.
Crowd-based Assessment of Deformational Cranial Asymmetries. . In International Workshop on Crowd-Powered e-Services (CROPS). Trondheim, Norway, 2019.
Modeling of Traffic Flows in Internet of Things Using Renewal Approximation. . In International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science (ODS2019). 2019.
Task Scheduling on Crowdsourcing Platforms for Enabling Completion Time SLAs. . In 31st International Teletraffic Congress (ITC). Budapest, Hungary, 2019.
Discrete-Time Analysis of the Blockchain Distributed Ledger Technology. . In 31st International Teletraffic Congress (ITC). , Budapest, Hungary. 2019.
Fundamental Advantages of Considering Quality of Experience Distributions over Mean Opinion Scores. . In 11th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). Berlin, Germany, 2019.
QoE Analysis of Spotify Audio Streaming and App Browsing. . In 4th Internet-QoE Workshop: QoE-based Analysis and Management of Data Communication Networks (Internet-QoE’19). 2019.
From click to playback: a dataset to study the response time of mobile YouTube. . In Proceedings of the 10th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference, pp. 267–272. 2019.
To Share or Not to Share? How Exploitation of Context Data Can Improve In-Network QoE Monitoring of Encrypted YouTube Streams. . In 2019 Eleventh International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX) (QoMEX 2019). 2019.
Is QUIC becoming the New TCP? On the Potential Impact of a New Protocol on Networked Multimedia QoE. . In 11th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). Berlin, Germany, 2019.
2018[ to top ]
Pervasive Communities in the Internet of People. . In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Context-Awareness for Multi-Device Pervasive and Mobile Computing (PerCrowd). Athens, Greece, 2018.
User Experience of Web Browsing-The Relationship of Usability and Quality of Experience. . In Tenth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). 2018.
Identification of Delay Thresholds Representing the Perceived Quality of Enterprise Applications. . In The 2nd International Workshop on Quality of Experience Management. Sardinia, Italy, 2018.
Evaluation of the Benefits of Variable Segment Durations for Adaptive Streaming. . In The 2nd International Workshop on Quality of Experience Management. Sardinia, Italy, 2018.
Speed Index: Relating the Industrial Standard for User Perceived Web Performance to Web QoE. . In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2018). Sardinia, Italy, 2018.
A Wrapper for Automatic Measurements with YouTube’s Native Android App. . In Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA). Vienna, Austria, 2018.
Quality of Experience and Access Network Traffic Management of HTTP Adaptive Video Streaming. . In IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), Best Dissertation Award. Taipei, Taiwan, 2018.
Integrating Network Management Information into the SDN Control Plane. . In IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS). 2018.
How do crowdworker communities and microtask markets influenceeach other? A data-driven study on Amazon Mechanical Turk. . In Sixth AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing. 2018.
Performance Evaluation of Mobile Crowdsensing for Event Detection. . In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Crowd Assisted Sensing, Pervasive Systems and Communications. Athens, Greece, 2018.
Practical QoE Evaluation of Adaptive Video Streaming. . In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems (MMB). Erlangen, Germany, 2018.
Estimating the Flow Rule Installation Time of SDN Switches when Facing Control Plane Delay. . In 19th International GI/ITG Conference on “Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems”. Erlangen, 2018.
Traffic Modeling for Aggregated Periodic IoT Data. . In Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN). Paris, France, 2018.
QoE Analysis of the Setup of Different Internet Services for FIFO Server Systems. . In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems (MMB). Erlangen, Germany, 2018.
A Public Dataset for YouTube’s Mobile Streaming Client. . In Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA). Vienna, Austria, 2018.
Streaming Characteristics of Spotify Sessions. . In The 2nd International Workshop on Quality of Experience Management. Sardinia, Italy, 2018.
Observations on Emerging Aspects in QoE Modeling and Their Impact on QoE Management. . In 2018 Tenth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). 2018.
A Cumulative Quality Model for HTTP Adaptive Streaming. . In Tenth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). 2018.
Performance Benchmarking of Network Function Chain Placement Algorithms. . In 19th International GI/ITG Conference on Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems (MMB). 2018.
Orchestration and Monitoring in Fog Computing for Personal Edge Cloud Service Support. . In 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN). 2018.
Exploring the Transmission Behaviour of Overwatch: The Source of Lag. . In 30th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 30). 2018.
Evaluation of the Detection Capabilities of the ONOS SDN Controller. . In 7th IEEE International Conference on Communications and Electronics (IEEE ICCE 2018), pp. 96–101. Hue, Vietnam, 2018.
Bridging the Gap Between Programming and Implementation of Networking Devices. . In Student Workshop of the 14th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies. 2018.
Towards an Active Probing Extension for the {ONOS} {SDN} Controller. . In 2018 28th International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ITNAC) (ITNAC 2018), p. 8. Sydney, Australia, 2018.
A Fair Share for All: Novel Adaptation Logic for QoE Fairness of HTTP Adaptive Video Streaming. . In 14th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), Best Paper Award. Rome, Italy, 2018.
Machine Learning Models for YouTube QoE and User Engagement Prediction in Smartphones. . In WAIN - Workshop on AI in Networks and Distributed Systems. Toulouse, France, 2018.
Beauty is in the Eye of the Smartphone Holder - A Data Driven Analysis of YouTube Mobile QoE. . In 14th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM). Rome, Italy, 2018.
Addressing Shortcomings of Existing DDoS Protection Software Using Software-Defined Networking. . In 9th Symposium on Software Performance 2018 (SSP’18). Hildesheim, Germany, 2018.
Performance Evaluation of Service Functions Chain Placement Algorithms in Edge Cloud. . In 30th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC30). Vienna, Austria, 2018.
Potential Traffic Savings by Leveraging Proximity of Communication Groups in Mobile Messaging. . In 14th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM). Rome, Italy, 2018.
Optimal Fairness and Quality in Video Streaming With Multiple Users. . In 30th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 30), p. 6. Vienna, Austria, 2018.
Application of Visual Analysis to Detect and Analyze Patterns in VoIP Attack Traffic. . In 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/12th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). 2018.
Quality of Service Assessment of Live Video Streaming with a Remote-Controlled Drone. . In IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization. Montreal, Canada, 2018.
Benchmarking the ONOS Controller with OFCProbe. . In 7th International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE). Hue, Vietnam, 2018.
Studying the Impact of HAS QoE Factors on the Standardized QoE Model P.1203. . In 3rd Workshop on QoE-based Analysis and Management of Data Communication Networks (Internet-QoE). Vienna, Austria, 2018.
Evaluation of a Distributed Control Plane for Managing Heterogeneous SDN-enabled and Legacy Networks. . In 7th International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE). Hue, Vietnam, 2018.
Investigating the Impact of Advertisement Banners and Clips on Video QoE. . In 3rd Workshop on QoE-based Analysis and Management of Data Communication Networks (Internet-QoE). Vienna, Austria, 2018.