Oksana Firman, M.Sc.

Lehrstuhl für Informatik I
Universität Würzburg
Am Hubland
D-97074 Würzburg
Raum: 01.005, Gebäude M4
Tel.: +49 (0) 931 31-87726
- Graphzeichnen
SS 24: Übungen zu Visualisierung von Graphen
WS 23/24: Übungen zu Advanced Algorithms
SS 23: Übungen zu Visualisierung von Graphen
WS 22/23: Übungen zu Advanced Algorithms
SS 22: Übungen zu Exakte Algorithmen
WS 21/22: Übungen zu Approximationsalgorithmen
SS 21: Übungen zu Exakte Algorithmen
WS 20/21: Übungen zu Advanced Algorithms
WS 19/20: Übungen zu Algorithmische Geometrie
SS 19: Übungen zu Visualisierung von Graphen
WS 18/19: Übungen zu Algorithmische Geometrie
WS 17/18: Übungen zu Algorithmische Geometrie
Outerplanar and Forest Storyplans. . In Proc. 50th Int. Conf. Current Trends Theory & Practice Comput. Sci. (SOFSEM’24), Vol. 14519 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, H. Fernau, S. Gaspers, R. Klasing (eds.), pp. 211–225. Springer-Verlag, 2024.
Morphing Graph Drawings in the Presence of Point Obstacles. . In Proc. 50th Int. Conf. Current Trends Theory & Practice Comput. Sci. (SOFSEM’24), Vol. 14519 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, H. Fernau, S. Gaspers, R. Klasing (eds.), pp. 240–254. Springer-Verlag, 2024.
Outside-Obstacle Representations with All Vertices on the Outer Face. . In Proc. 30th Int. Symp. Graph Drawing & Network Vis. (GD’22), Vol. 13764 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, P. Angelini, R. von Hanxleden (eds.), pp. 432–440. Springer-Verlag, 2023.
Hypergraph Representation via Axis-Aligned Point-Subspace Cover. . In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference and Workshops on Algorithms and Computation, of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, P. Mutzel, M. S. Rahman, Slamin (eds.), pp. 328–339. Springer-Verlag, 2022.
Outside-Obstacle Representations with All Vertices on the Outer Face. . In Proc. 38th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG’22), E. Di Giacomo, F. Montecchiani (eds.), pp. 54:1–8. 2022.
Hypergraph Representation via Axis-Aligned Point-Subspace Cover. . In Proc. 37th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG’21), E. Arseneva, T. Mchedlidze (eds.), pp. 68:1–7. 2021.
The Complexity of Finding Tangles. . In Proc. 36th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG’20), S. Chaplick, P. Kindermann, A. Wolff (eds.), pp. 67:1–8. 2020.
Computing Height-Optimal Tangles Faster. . In Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD’19), of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, D. Archambault, C. D. Tóth (eds.). Springer-Verlag, 2019.
Computing Optimal Tangles Faster. . In Proc. 35th Europ. Workshop Comput. Geom. (EuroCG’19), M. Löffler (ed.), pp. 61:1–7. 2019.
On the Weak Line Cover Numbers. . In Proc. 34th Europ. Workshop Comput. Geom. (EuroCG’18), M. Korman, W. Mulzer (eds.), pp. 63:1–5. 2018.
Optimal Straight-Line Drawings of Non-Planar Graphs. Technical Report (Master thesis), . . Master thesis. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2017, May.