Deutsch Intern
Chair of Computer Science III

Dr. rer. nat. Lam Dinh-Xuan



Oct 2014 - Oct 2018


Quality of Experience Assessment of Cloud Applications and Performance Evaluation of VNF-Based QoE Monitoring


2018[ to top ]
  • Impact of VNF Placements on QoE Monitoring in the Cloud. Dinh-Xuan, Lam; Popp, Christian; Burger, Valentin; Wamser, Florian; Hoßfeld, Tobias. In International Journal of Network Management, (NEM-18-0120.R1). 2018.
  • Quality of Experience Assessment of Cloud Applications and Performance Evaluation of VNF-Based QoE Monitoring. Technical Report (PhD dissertation), . Dinh-Xuan, Lam. PhD dissertation. Universitiy of Würzburg, 2018, October.
  • Performance Evaluation of Service Functions Chain Placement Algorithms in Edge Cloud. Dinh-Xuan, Lam; Seufert, Michael; Wamser, Florian; Vassilakis, Constantinos; Zafeiropoulos, Anastasios; Tran-Gia, Phuoc. In 30th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC30). Vienna, Austria, 2018.
  • Orchestration and Monitoring in Fog Computing for Personal Edge Cloud Service Support. Wamser, Florian; Lombardo, Chiara; Vassilakis, Constantinos; Dinh-Xuan, Lam; Lago, Paolo; Bruschi, Roberto; Tran-Gia, Phuoc. In 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN). 2018.
  • A Generic Approach to Video Buffer Modeling using Discrete-Time Analysis. Burger, Valentin; Zinner, Thomas; Dinh-Xuan, Lam; Wamser, Florian; Tran-Gia, Phuoc. In ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM), 14(33), p. 23. 2018.
2017[ to top ]
  • Study on the Accuracy of QoE Monitoring for HTTP Adaptive Video Streaming Using VNF. Dinh-Xuan, Lam; Seufert, Michael; Wamser, Florian; Tran-Gia, Phuoc. In 1st IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Experience Management (QoE-Management). Lisbon, Portugal, 2017.
2016[ to top ]
  • QoE Aware Placement of Content in Edge Networks on the Example of a Photo Album Cloud Service. Dinh-Xuan, Lam; Seufert, Michael; Wamser, Florian; Tran-Gia, Phuoc. In IEEE 6th International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE). Ha Long, Vietnam, 2016.
2015[ to top ]
  • Analyzing the Impact of Delay and Packet Loss on Google Docs. Dinh-Xuan, Lam; Schwartz, Christian; Hirth, Matthias; Wamser, Florian; Truong Thu, Huong. In 7th International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management. Santander, Spain, 2015.