Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Schlosser
Nov 2005 - Sep 2011
Quality of Experience Management in Virtual Future Networks
2012[ to top ]
Internet Access Traffic Measurement and Analysis. . In Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA) workshop co-located with the 13th Passive and Active Measurement (PAM) conference. Vienna, Austria, 2012.
Energy Efficient Virtual Network Embedding. . In IEEE Communication Letters, PP. 2012.
Quality of Experience Management in Virtual Future Networks. . 2012, February.
Gaming in the clouds: QoE and the users’ perspective. . In Mathematical and Computer Modelling. 2012.
2011[ to top ]
Provisioning and Operation of Virtual Networks. . In Electronic Communications of the EASST, Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 2011, 37. 2011.
Performance Comparison of Common Server Hardware Virtualization Solutions Regarding the Network Throughput of Virtualized Systems. Technical Report (479), . . University of Wuerzburg, 2011.
ALEVIN - A Framework to Develop, Compare, and Analyze Virtual Network Embedding Algorithms. . In Electronic Communications of the EASST, Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 2011, 37. 2011.
COntrol and Management of COexisting Networks (COMCON). . San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2011, March.
ALEVIN: Algorithms for Embedding VIrtual Networks. . 2011, May.
Performance Comparison of Hardware Virtualization Platforms. . In IFIP/TC6 NETWORKING 2011 (NETWORKING 2011). Valencia, Spain, 2011.
Performance Comparison of Hardware Virtualization Platforms. . IFIP/TC6 NETWORKING 2011 (NETWORKING 2011), Valencia, Spain, 2011, May 10.
VNREAL: Virtual Network Resource Embedding ALgorithms in the Framework ALEVIN. . In 7th Euro-NF Conference on Next Generation Internet Networks (NGI 2011). Kaiserslautern, Germany, 2011.
An Evaluation of QoE in Cloud Gaming Based on Subjective Tests. . In Workshop on Future Internet and Next Generation Networks (FINGNet-2011). Seoul, Korea, 2011.
IPOM: Interactive Proxy Management Tool for Future Communication Networks Using OpenFlow. . Kaiserslautern, Germany, 2011, June.
An Evaluation of QoE in Cloud Gaming Based on Subjective Tests. . Workshop on Future Internet and Next Generation Networks (FINGNet-2011), Seoul, Korea, 2011, July 2.
Flexible VNE Algorithms Analysis using ALEVIN. . In Euroview 2011. 2011.
Service Component Mobility Enabled by Network Virtualization. . In Euroview 2011. 2011.
ECODANE - Reducing Energy COnsumption in DAta Center NEtworks based on Traffic Engineering. . 2011, August.
Modeling and Performance Evaluation of an OpenFlow Architecture. . In 23rd International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 2011). San Francisco, CA, USA, 2011.
Modeling and Performance Evaluation of an OpenFlow Architecture. . 23rd International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 2011), San Francisco, CA, USA, 2011, September 6.
Power Consumption Analysis of Data Center Architectures. . In GreenNets. Colmar, France, 2011.
2010[ to top ]
Datenübertragung im Internet. . Informatik am Samstag, Würzburg, 2010, January 16.
COMCON: Use Cases for Virtual Future Networks. . In TridentCom 2010. Berlin, 2010.
Improving the QoE of Citrix Thin Client Users. . In IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2010). Cape Town, South Africa, 2010.
Monitoring the User Perceived Quality of SILK-Based Voice Calls. . In Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ATNAC 2010). Auckland, New Zealand, 2010.
Performance Evaluation of P2P Caches: Flash-Crowd Case. . Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ATNAC) 2010, Auckland, New Zealand, 2010, November 2.
Network Virtualization: Isolation Problems and Scalability Issues. . GI/ITG KuVs Fachgesprächen Future Internet, Hannover, Germany, 2010, November 21.
Network Virtualization: Isolation Problems and Scalability Issues. . 6. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Future Internet, Hannover, Germany, 2010, November 22.
A Use Case Driven Approach to Network Virtualization. . In accepted at IEEE Kaleidoscope 2010, published via OPUS Würzburg under OpenAccess. Würzburg, 2010.
Monitoring the User Perceived Quality of SILK-Based Voice Calls. . Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ATNAC) 2010, Auckland, New Zealand, 2010, November 2.
2009[ to top ]
Quality of ADSL-Bandwidth Estimations Using Active Measurement. . 5th COST TMA Action Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, 2009, October 6.
Netzwerkvirtualisierung und OpenFlow. . Datev Trendscout, Nürnberg, 2009, November 19.
Service Oriented Network Framework Enabling Global QoS and Network Virtualization. . 20th ITC Specialist Seminar on Network Virtualization - Concept and Performance Aspects, 2009, May 19.
Service Oriented Network Framework Enabling Global QoS and Network Virtualization. . In ITC SS 2009. Hoi An, 2009.
Chapter VII: Cooperation Strategies for P2P Content Distribution in Cellular Mobile Networks: Considering Selfishness and Heterogeneity. . In Mobile Peer-to-Peer Computing for Next Generation Distributed Environments: Advancing Conceptual and Algorithmic Applications, B.-C. Seet (ed.). Information Science Reference, ISBN: 978-1-60566-715-7, 2009.
Mastering Selfishness and Heterogeneity in Mobile P2P Content Distribution Networks with Multiple Source Download in Cellular Networks. . In Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, Special Issue on Mobile P2P Networking and Computing. 2009.
2008[ to top ]
Quantifying the Influence of Network Conditions on the Service Quality Experienced by a Thin Client User. . 14. GI/ITG Konferenz Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung von Rechen- und Kommunikationssystemen (MMB 2008), 2008, April.
Quantifying the Influence of Network Conditions on the Service Quality Experienced by a Thin Client User. . In 14. GI/ITG Konferenz Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung von Rechen- und Kommunikationssystemen (MMB 2008). Dortmund, Germany, 2008.
Traffic Engineering. . Bosch Network Workshop, Stuttgart, Germany, 2008, July 15.
2007[ to top ]
Performance Comparison of Windows-based Thin-Client Architectures. . Christchurch, New Zealand, 2007, December 3.
Performance Comparison of Windows-based Thin-Client Architectures. . In Proc. of the Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference 2007. Christchurch, New Zealand, 2007.
Source Traffic Characterization for Thin Client Based Office Applications. . In 13th EUNICE Open European Summer School and IFIP TC6.6 Workshop on Dependable and Adaptable Networks and Services. University of Twente, the Netherlands, 2007.
An Autonomic Approach to Verify End-to-End Communication Quality. . In Tenth IFIP-IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2007). Munich, Germany, 2007.
Source Traffic Characterization for Thin Client Based Office Applications. Technical Report (406), . . University of Wuerzburg, 2007.
2006[ to top ]
Comparison of Robust Cooperation Strategies for P2P Content Distribution Networks with Multiple Source Download. . In Sixth IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P2006). Cambridge, UK, 2006.
Self-Organizing Measurement of User Perceived Quality: Demonstration of the Prototype. . Datev Trendscout, Nürnberg, 2006, July 20.
The Redlarf PlanetLab Management Envrionment. . Redlarf Project Meeting, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, 2006, June 14.
Comparison of Robust Cooperation Strategies for P2P Content Distribution Networks with Multiple Source Download. Technical Report (385), . . University of Wuerzburg, 2006.
A Novel Approach to Verify End-to-End Connectivity in an Autonomic Way. Technical Report (383), . . University of Wuerzburg, 2006.
2005[ to top ]
Towards Efficient Simulation of Large Scale P2P Networks. Technical Report (371), . . University of Wuerzburg, 2005.
Influence of the Size of Swapping Entities in Mobile P2P File-Sharing Networks. . In Peer-to-Peer-Systeme und -Anwendungen. GI/ITG-Workshop in Kooperation mit KiVS 2005, Kaiserslautern, 2005.
Influence of the Size of Swapping Entities in Mobile Networks P2P File-Sharing Networks. . 2005, March.