Dr. Florian Metzger

Phone | (0931) 31-88324 (Currently, I am primarily working from home and will not answer your calls. Please contact me by mail.) |
Fax | |
florian.metzger@uni-wuerzburg.de | |
GPG Fingerprint | C98A 32B7 554F C5CC 4E5A 60FB 1CE5 B541 7B20 99C7 |
Web | https://www.tru42.org/fm/ |
Room | |
Address | Lehrstuhl für Informatik III |

(March 2019 - February 2022)
On the example of the city of Würzburg the project 5MART develops and evaluates communication technologies and architectures (5G and LPWAN) and open data platforms for smart cities.

(March 2019 - December 2020)
We develop, roll out, and evaluate a LORAWAN network in the city of Würzburg.

(since June 2018)
This project examines the performance characteristics of IEEE 802.1Q Transmission Selection Algorithms for time-critical traffic.

Performance Evaluation and Network Planning for Automotive TSN
(May 2019 - June 2020)
This project evaluates how techniques and variants of Time Sensitive Networking (TSN), including IEEE 802.1Qbv and 802.1Qcr, can best be realized in a future, realistic car network with the intention to support autonomous driving. For this we aim to develop a reference architecture and reference packet schedule.