Deutsch Intern
Chair of Computer Science I - Algorithms and Complexity

Alexander Wolff gives a survey talk on schematization on a seminar at Schloss Dagstuhl.


The seminar is about geometric networks and related areas. A geometric network is a graph that is drawn in the plane such that its nodes correspond to points and its edges to straight-line segments between the points.

Geometric networks play an important role in telecommunication, motion planning (robotics), data compression, gene analysis, and sensor networks.  In this context, schematization refers to the problem of laying out a complex network such that its edges comply with a given set of directions. A good example are subway maps, where one usually restricts edges to being horizontal, vertical, or diagonal. Schematization, however, is also essential in VLSI layout or when drawing hierarchical structures (such as organigrams), UML-diagrams, or wiring diagrams (see figure). The slides of the survey talk are available here.

Schloss Dagstuhl is an international computer science conference center that hosts workshops in a weekly rhythm. The seminar "Geometric Networks, Metric Space Embeddings and Spatial Data Mining" takes place in the first week of November 2009.
