ZiNsVis: Smart Visualization for Enhanced Accessibility of Industrial Networks

Alexander Wolff (PI), Tim Hegemann |
A cooperation with denkbares GmbH, Würzburg and Infosim GmbH & Co. KG, Würzburg |
KMU-innovativ: Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien |
Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), 2022–2025 |
Algorithmic Quality Assurance

Thomas van Dijk |
DFG Priority Programme "Volunteered Geographic Information" |
Financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG), 2020–2013 |
iPRALINE: Interactive Problem Analysis and Solving in Complex Industrial Networks

Alexander Wolff (PI), Johannes Zink |
A cooperation with denkbares GmbH, Würzburg and Infosim GmbH & Co. KG, Würzburg |
Central Innovation Programme for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (ZIM) |
Funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), 2019–2021 |
Drawing Graphs: Geometric Aspects Beyond Planarity

Alexander Wolff (PI), Alexander Ravsky |
DFG Individual Grants Programme |
Funded by the DFG (in cooperation with SFFRU, Ukraine), 2019–2022 |
Geometric Representations of Graphs

Alexander Wolff (PI), Steven Chaplick, Ignaz Rutter (Univ. Passau), Jiří Fiala (Charles Univ. Prague) |
DFG Individual Grants Programme |
Funded by the DFG (in cooperation with GAČR, Czech Rep.), 2019–2022 |
Algorithmically-Guided User Interaction

Thomas van Dijk (PI), Alexander Wolff |
DFG priority programme "Volunteered Geographic Information" |
Funded by the DFG, 2016–2019 |
Algorithms for Interactive Variable-Scale Maps

Jan-Henrik Haunert (PI), A. Wolff, Thomas van Dijk |
DFG Individual Grants Programme |
Funded by the DFG, 2012–2015 |
Graph Drawing and Geometric Representations

Alexander Wolff (PI), Philipp Kindermann |
Reviewed by ESF, funded by DFG, 2011–2014 |