English Intern
Professur für Raumfahrttechnik



Jensine Andresen, Octavio A. Chon Torres (Herausgeber),
Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Academic and Societal Implications,
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022, ISBN: 978-1-5275-7727-5

Harald Zaun (Herausgeber),
Expedition ins Sternenmeer,
Perspektiven, Chancen und Risiken einer interstellaren Raumfahrt,
Springer, 2022, ISBN:  978-3-662-63729-6

Ley/Wittmann/Hallmann (Editor),
Handbook of Space Technology,
Wiley-Blackwell , 2009, ISBN: 978-0-470-69739-9,
Chapter 8.4

Ley/Wittmann/Hallmann (Herausgeber),
Handbuch der Raumfahrttechnik,
Carl Hanser Verlag München Wien, 2008, ISBN-10: 3-446-41185-2, 2008,
Kapitel 8.4

Rainer Sandau (principal editor),
International Study on Cost-Effective Earth Observation Missions,
CRC Press, 2006, ISBN-13: 978-0415391368


2024[ to top ]
  • Poster Contribution:A possible German CubeSat Contribution to RAMSES. Männel, J.; Auster, H. U.; Grott, M.; Herique, A.; Kayal, H.; Neumann, T.; Plaschke, F.; Plettemeier, D.; Riegler, C.; Vincent, J.-B. In Apophis T-5 Workshop. Lunar and Planetary Institute, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 2024.
  • A possible German CubeSat Contribution to RAMSES. Kayal, Hakan; Männel, Jonathan; Neumann, Tobias; Riegler, Clemens. In DLR Science@Apophis Workshop. 2024.
  • In-Orbit Validierung des MultiView-Sternsensors auf dem SONATE-2 CubeSat. Neumann, T.; Balagurin, O.; Kaiser, T.; Kayal, H.; Maurer, A.; Riegler, C.; Schwarz, T. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V., Hamburg, 2024.
  • Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Kleinsatelliten zur Erforschung von erdnahen Asteroiden am Beispiel von (99942) Apophis. Männel, J.; Ali, F.; Amza, A.; Herbst, T.; Kayal, H.; Neumann, T.; Riegler, C. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V., Hamburg, 2024.
  • Novel On-Board Data Processing Strategies on Nanosatellite SONATE-2. Andreas, Maurer; Oleksii, Balagurin; Tobias, Greiner; Tobias, Herbst; Tobias, Kaiser; Hakan, Kayal; Tobias, Schwarz. In Small Satellites, System & Services Symposium (4S). Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2024.
  • Erste Flugergebnisse der Satellitenmission SONATE-2. Balagurin, O.; Greiner, T.; Herbst, T.; Kaiser, T.; Kayal, H.; Männel, J.; Maurer, A.; Neumann, T.; Riegler, C.; Schwarz, T. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V., Hamburg, 2024.
  • SATEX: Extraterrestrik mit Kleinsatelliten - Kurzbericht. Männel, Jonathan; Borschinsky, Erik; Kayal, Hakan; Neumann, Tobias; Riegler, Clemens. Universität Würzburg, 2024.
  • Early Results and In-Flight Experience of the 6U-Mission Sonate-2. Schwarz, Tobias; Balagurin, Oleksii; Greiner, Tobias; Herbst, Tobias; Kaiser, Tobias; Kayal, Hakan; Maurer, Andreas. In Small Satellites, System & Services Symposium (4S). Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2024.
2023[ to top ]
  • Autorotation: An Innovative Alternative to Parachutes for Spacecraft Landing. Riegler, Clemens; Kayal, Hakan. In IAC 2023 Congress Proceedings. International Astronautical Federation, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2023.
  • Attitude-independent calibration of magnetometers in orbit using Particle Swarm Optimization. Kaiser, Tobias; Thois, Dominik; Balagurin, Oleksii; Greiner, Tobias; Kayal, Hakan; Schwarz, Tobias; Maurer, Andreas; Herbst, Tobias; Riegler, Clemens. In 14th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation. 2023.
  • Research on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena at the Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg. Kayal, Hakan; Greiner, Tobias; Kaiser, Tobias; Oehme, Sebastian. Vol. Session: Scientific and Technical Advancements in UAP Understanding (Virtual). 2023.
  • SONATE-2 – A Technology Demonstration Mission of Artificial Intelligence for Image Processing and Anomaly Detection. Greiner, Tobias; Balagurin, Oleksii; Herbst, Tobias; Kaiser, Tobias; Kayal, Hakan; Maurer, Andreas; Schwarz, Tobias. In 16th Pico- and Nano-Satellite Workshop. Würzburg, Germany, 2023.
  • What can you do with a CubeSat in Deep Space? A Systematic Survey on Opportunities and Key Technologies for Extraterrestrial Small Satellites. Männel, Jonathan; Borschinsky, Erik; Kayal, Hakan; Neumann, Tobias; Riegler, Clemens. In 16th Pico- and Nano-Satellite Workshop. Würzburg, Germany, 2023.
  • SONATE-2 – Using Artificial Intelligence for In-Orbit Image Processing and Anomaly Detection. Greiner, Tobias; Balagurin, Oleksii; Herbst, Tobias; Kaiser, Tobias; Kayal, Hakan; Maurer, Andreas; Schwarz, Tobias. In 14th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation. Berlin, 2023.
  • Trends und Forschungswünsche in der Extraterrestrik und Ideen für eine nationale Kleinsatellitenmission: Analyse einer Umfrage unter Wissenschaftlern in Deutschland im Rahmen des Satexprojekts. Männel, J.; Borschinsky, E.; Kayal, H.; Neumann, T.; Riegler, C. In Proceedings DLRK 2023. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V., Bonn, 2023.
  • Kleinsatellitentechnologien zur Beantwortung wissenschaftlicher Fragen in der Extraterrestrik. Neumann, T.; Borschinsky, E.; Kayal, H.; Männel, J.; Riegler, C. In Proceedings DLRK 2023. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V., Bonn, 2023.
  • Kleinsatelliten in der Extraterrestrik: Stand, Bedeutung und Perspektiven. Kayal, Hakan; Borschinsky, Erik; Männel, Jonathan; Neumann, Tobias; Riegler, Clemens. 2023, November.
2022[ to top ]
  • MultiView: Koordinierter Sternsensorverbund im TunaCan-Format für CubeSats. Neumann, T.; Balagurin, O.; Baldsiefen, D.; Gerling, T.; Kaiser, T.; Kayal, H.; Maurer, A.; Riegler, C.; Schwarz, T. In Proceedings DLRK 2022, p. 7. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V., Bonn, 2022.
  • SONATE-2 Nanosatellitenmission für Künstliche Intelligenz und Höhere Autonomie. Balagurin, Oleksii; Greiner, Tobias; Herbst, Tobias; Kaiser, Tobias; Kayal, Hakan; Maurer, Andreas; Riegler, Clemens; Schwarz, Tobias. In Proceedings DLRK 2022. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V., Bonn, 2022.
  • Hardware and Software Redundancy Concepts on-board of SONATE-2. Maurer, Andreas; Balagurin, Oleksii; Greiner, Tobias; Herbst, Tobias; Kaiser, Tobias; Kayal, Hakan; Riegler, Clemens; Schwarz, Tobias. Vol. IAC 2022 congress proceedings, p. 11. International Astronautical Federation (IAF), 100 Avenue de Suffren 75015 Paris, France, 2022.
  • VELEX: Venus Lightning Experiment. Riegler, Clemens; Kayal, Hakan. In Raumfahrttechnik und Extraterrestrik. Universität Würzburg, 2022.
  • Towards Utilization of Autorotation in Interplanetary Exploration on the example of Venus. Riegler, Clemens; Kayal, Hakan. Vol. IAC 2022 congress proceedings. International Astronautical Federation (IAF), 100 Avenue de Suffren 75015 Paris, France, 2022.
  • Testing the NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX Module for the SONATE-2 Nano Satellite Mission. Herbst, Tobias; Balagurin, Oleksii; Greiner, Tobias; Kaiser, Tobias; Kayal, Hakan; Maurer, Andreas; Riegler, Clemens; Schwarz, Tobias. Vol. IAC 2022 congress proceedings, p. 7. International Astronautical Federation (IAF), 100 Avenue de Suffren 75015 Paris, France, 2022.
  • MAPLE: Marsian Autorotation Probe Lander Experiment. Riegler, Clemens; Werner, Lennart; Kayal, Hakan. In Raumfahrttechnik und Extraterrestrik. Universität Würzburg, 2022.
  • Erforschung des Unidentified Aerial Phenomena an der JMU Würzburg. Kayal, H.; Greiner, T.; Kaiser, T.; Riegler, C. Vol. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2022, p. 8. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V., Bonn, 2022.
  • In-Flight Experience and Operations of the 3U-Mission SONATE. Schwarz, Tobias; Balagurin, Oleksii; Greiner, Tobias; Kayal, Hakan; Maurer, Andreas. In Small Satellites, System & Services Symposium (4S). Vilamoura, Portugal, 2022.
  • SONATE-2 - A Technology Demonstration Mission for Artificial Intelligence. Greiner, Tobias; Balagurin, Oleksii; Herbst, Tobias; Kaiser, Tobias; Kayal, Hakan; Maurer, Andreas; Neumann, Tobias; Riegler, Clemens; Schwarz, Tobias. In Small Satellites, System & Services Symposium (4S), G. Tobias, B. Oleksii, H. Tobias, K. Tobias, K. Hakan, M. Andreas, N. Tobias, R. Clemens, S. Tobias (eds.). Vilamoura, Portugal, 2022.
  • Detection of UAP with a Nano Satellite. Reitemeyer, Malte; Weinmann, Felix; Kayal, Hakan. In Research on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. Universität Würzburg, 2022.
2021[ to top ]
  • Development and operation of a technology testing satellite for highly autonomous payloads and artificial intelligence. Balagurin, Oleksii; Greiner, Tobias; Herbst, Tobias; Kaiser, Tobias; Kayal, Hakan; Maurer, Andreas; Neumann, Tobias; Riegler, Clemens; Schwarz, Tobias. In 14th Pico- and Nano-Satellite Workshop. Würzburg, Germany, 2021.
  • MultiView: A Novel Star Sensor Providing Reliable Attitude Determination for CubeSats. Miethaner, Christian; Kayal, Hakan; Schwarz, Tobias; Neumann, Tobias; Schwarz, Tobias. In 14th Pico- and Nano-Satellite Workshop. Würzburg, Germany, 2021.
  • Entwicklung und Betrieb eines Technologieerprobungssatelliten für hochautonome Nutzlasten. Balagurin, Oleksii; Greiner, Tobias; Herbst, Tobias; Kaiser, Tobias; Kayal, Hakan; Maurer, Andreas; Schwarz, Tobias. In Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress (DLRK) 2021. Bremen, 2021.
2020[ to top ]
  • Accurate estimation of relative atmospheric density error on the example of uncertain geomagnetic activity information. Schiemenz, Fabian; Utzmann, Jens; Kayal, Hakan. In Advances in Space Research, 65(1), pp. 251–270. 2020.
2019[ to top ]
  • Model-Based Fault Detection and Diagnosis for Spacecraft with an Application for the SONATE Triple Cube Nano-Satellite. Djebko, Kirill; Puppe, Frank; Kayal, Hakan. In Aerospace, 6(10), p. 105. MDPI AG, 2019.
  • Hyper-SETI – A New Way of Searching for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Kayal, Hakan. Vol. IAC 2019 congress proceedings. International Astronautical Federation (IAF), 100 Avenue de Suffren 75015 Paris, France, 2019.
  • On Improving an Embedded Solution for the ASAP Autonomous Planning System. Krainovic, Anselm; Balagurin, Oleksii; Kayal, Hakan; Maurer, Andreas. Vol. IAC 2019 congress proceedings. International Astronautical Federation (IAF), 100 Avenue de Suffren 75015 Paris, France, 2019.
2018[ to top ]
  • Preparing SONATE for Autonomous Control Through ASAP. Rapp, Thomas; Balagurin, Oleksii; Baumann, Tom; Kayal, Hakan; Krainovic, Anselm; Schwarz, Tobias; Wojtkowiak, Harald. In IAC 2018 congress proceedings, Vol. 69th International Astronautical Congress (IAC). International Astronautical Federation (IAF), 2018.
  • Next Level Autonomous Nanosatellite Operations. Kayal, Hakan; Balagurin, Oleksii; Djebko, Kirill; Fellinger, Gerhard; Puppe, Frank; Seipel, Dietmar; Serdar, Saliha; Schneider, Alexander; Schwarz, Tobias; Wojtkowiak, Harald. In SpaceOps Conferences, Vol. 2018 SpaceOps Conference. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., 2018.
2017[ to top ]
  • A Nanosatellite Mission Concept for Optical SETI. Kayal, Hakan; Balagurin, Oleksii; Schneider, Alexander. Vol. IAC 2017 congress proceedings. International Astronautical Federation (IAF), 100 Avenue de Suffren 75015 Paris, France, 2017.
  • A High-Level Decision Support System for Nanosatellites. Kayal, Hakan; Seipel, Dietmar; Serdar, Saliha. Vol. IAC 2017 congress proceedings. International Astronautical Federation (IAF), 100 Avenue de Suffren 75015 Paris, France, 2017.
2015[ to top ]
  • Autonome Beobachtung von Transient Lunar Phenomena. Mohn, H.; Balagurin, O.; Kayal, H. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V., Bonn, 2015.
2014[ to top ]
  • Hardwarenahe Softwarelösungen für Miniaturisierte Sternsensoren. Fischer, Wendelin; Balagurin, Oleksii; Kayal, Hakan; Wojtkowiak, Harald. In 63. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt, 2014.
  • STAR SENSOR SOLUTIONS FOR PICO AND NANOSATELLITE. Balagurin, Oleksii; Fischer, Wendelin; Kayal, Hakan; Wojtkowiak, Harald. In Small Satellites Systems and Services - The 4S Symposium. ESA & CNES, 2014.
  • Methods and Systems for Increasing Autonomy of Earth Observation Satellites. Balagurin, Oleksii; Fellinger, Gerhard; Fischer, Wendelin; Kayal, Hakan; Wojtkowiak, Harald. In Small Satellites Systems and Services - The 4S Symposium. ESA & CNES, 2014.
  • ASAP: Autonomous onboard mission planning. Wojtkowiak, Harald; Balagurin, Oleksii; Fellinger, Gerhard; Fischer, Wendelin; Garcia Fernandez, Borja; Kayal, Hakan. In 65th International Astronautical Congress. International Astronautical Federation, 2014.
2013[ to top ]
  • ADIA: A Novel Onboard Failure Diagnostic System for Nanosatellites. Fellinger, Gerhard; Dietrich, Georg; Fette, Georg; Kayal, Hakan; Puppe, Frank; Schneider, Volker; Wojtkowiak, Harald. In 64th International Astronautical Congress, Vol. 4, 3. International Astronautical Federation, 2013.
  • ASAP: AUTONOMY THROUGH ON-BOARD PLANNING. Wojtkowiak, Harald; Balagurin, Oleksii; Fellinger, Gerhard; Kayal, Hakan. In 6th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies (RAST). AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2013.
  • TechnoSat-A Nanosatellite Mission for On-Orbit Technology Demonstration. Barschke, Merlin; Ballheimer, Walter; Dornburg, Lars; Noack, Daniel; Brieß, Klaus; Adirim, Harry; Pilz, Norbert; Kayal, Hakan; Balagurin, Oleksii; Wojtkowiak, Harald; Nitzschke, Christian. In 27th Annual AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites. AIAA/Utah State University, 2013.
  • The BayKoSM Project: Technologies for Swarm Missions. Freimann, Andreas; Schmidt, Marco; Schilling, Klaus; Graciano, Joao; Fellinger, Gerhard; Kayal, Hakan; Spies, Peter; Zessin, Henrik; Henkel, Patrick; Gerhard, Tjorven; Reichel, Florian; Rummelhagen, Mirko; Marszalek, Michael; Bollert, Reinhard. In 5th International Conference on Spacecraft Formation Flying Missions and Technologies. German Space Operations Center of DLR, 2013.
  • ASAP: AUTONOMOUS DYNAMIC SCHEDULING FOR SMALL SATELLITES. Wojtkowiak, Harald; Balagurin, Oleksii; Fellinger, Gerhard; Kayal, Hakan. In 64th International Astronautical Congress, Vol. 4, 3. International Astronautical Federation, 2013.
  • ASAP: Increasing the autonomy of small satellites. Wojtkowiak, Harald; Balagurin, Oleksii; Fellinger, Gerhard; Kayal, Hakan. In 9th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation. International Academy of Astronautics, 2013.
  • AN AUTONOMOUS IMAGING SYSTEM WITH MISSION PLANNING CAPABILITY. Balagurin, Oleksii; Fischer, Wendelin; Kayal, Hakan; Wojtkowiak, Harald. In 62. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt, 2013.
2012[ to top ]
  • VALIDATION AND QUALIFICATION OF A CMOS BASED MINIATURE STAR TRACKER FOR SMALL SATELLITES. Balagurin, Oleksii; Kayal, Hakan; Wojtkowiak, Harald. In Small Satellites Systems and Services - The 4S Symposium. ESA & CNES, 2012.
  • ASAP – AUTONOMER BILDSENSOR UND PLANUNGSSYSTEM FÜR NANOSATELLITEN. Kayal, Hakan; Balagurin, Oleksii; Wojtkowiak, Harald. In 61. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt, 2012.
  • ASAP: A NOVEL AUTONOMOUS IMAGE SENSOR FOR EVENT DETECTION AND ON BOARD PLANNING SYSTEM. Kayal, Hakan; Balagurin, Oleksii; Wojtkowiak, Harald. In Small Satellites Systems and Services - The 4S Symposium. ESA & CNES, 2012.
  • STELLA - Miniatur-Sternsensor für Pico- und Nanosatelliten. Kayal, Hakan. In 61. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt, 2012.
  • ASAP – A Sensor System for Autonomous Event Detection and on Board Planning. Kayal, Hakan; Balagurin, Oleksii; Wojtkowiak, Harald. In 63rd International Astronautical Congress. International Astronautical Federation, 2012.
2011[ to top ]
  • TEST AND PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF THE NEW STAR TRACKER STELLA. Balagurin, Oleksii; Kayal, Hakan; Harald, Wojtkowiak. In 60. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt, 2011.
  • STELLA - A New Small Star Tracker for Pico and Nano Satellites. Balagurin, Oleksii; Kayal, Hakan; Wojtkowiak, Harald. In 8th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation. International Academy of Astronautics, 2011.
  • A NOVEL APS STAR TRACKER FOR PICO- AND NANO- SATELLITES. Wojtkowiak, Harald; Balagurin, Oleksii; Kayal, Hakan. In 62nd International Astronautical Congress. International Astronautical Federation, 2011.
2010[ to top ]
  • STELLA Konzeption und Aufbau eines Sternsensor für Pico- und Nanosatelliten. Wojtkowiak, Harald; Balagurin, Oleksii; Kayal, Hakan. In ILA-Workshop „Pico- und Nanosatellitenaktivitäten in Deutschland“. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt, 2010.
  • RW-1 the Worldwide Smallest Commercial, Flight Proven Reaction Wheel for Pico and Nano Satellites - Fields of Operation and Flight Results. Roemer, S.; Stoltz, S.; Baumann, F.; Kayal, H. In Small Satellites Systems and Services - The 4S Symposium. ESA & CNES, 2010.


Kayal H.
Autonomous Detection of Objects in Low Earth Orbit by a Nano Satellite Constellation
IAC-09.A6.1.10, 60th International Astronautical Congress (IAC'09), Daejeon, Korea, October 2009

Kayal H.
A Nano Satellite Constellation for Detection of Objects in Earth Orbit
4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies (RAST 2009), Istanbul, Turkey, June 2009

Kayal H., Brieß, K.
Autonomous Detection and Observation of the Transient Lunar Phenomenon by a Satellite Constellation
IAC-08-A3.2.INT15, 59th International Astronautical Congress (IAC'08), Glasgow, Scotland, October 2008

Kayal H., Baumann, F., Brieß, K.,
BeeSat – A pico satellite of TU Berlin for the In-orbit verification of miniaturised wheels
IAC-08-B4.4.B10, 59th International Astronautical Congress (IAC'08), Glasgow, Scotland, October 2008

Kayal, H.
A Nano Satellite Mission for Autonomous Detection and Observation of the Transient Lunar Phenomenon
Proceedings of the international conference on Small Satellites, New Missions and New Technologies, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2008

Nohka, F. Baumann, F., Brieß, K., Kayal, H.
Konzept eines orbitalen Sensors zur Beobachtung von kurzzeitigen Lichtphänomenen auf dem Mond
Dreiländertagung 2007 der SGPBF, DGPF und OVG, Muttenz / Basel, Schweiz, 19.-21. Juni 2007

Kayal H., Baumann, F., Briess, K., Montenegro, S.
BeeSat: A Pico Satellite for the On Orbit Verification of Micro Wheels
3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies, Istanbul, Turkey, 14-16 June 2007

Kayal H., Baumann, F., Briess, K.
Beesat – A Pico Satellite for the In-Orbit Verification of Miniaturised Wheels
6th IAA Symposium On Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin, Germany,    April 23 - 26, 2007

Kayal H., Briess, K., Ziegler B.
Satellite Constellation for Detection and Observation of the Transient Lunar Phenomenon
DGLR – International Symposium – “To Moon and beyond 2007” (14th – 16th March 2007, Hilton Hotel Bremen, Germany)

Baumann, F., Brieß, K., Kayal, H.
Untersuchung von Sensoren zur Lagebestimmung in Picosatellitenplattformen
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung und Geoinformation e.V., 11-13 September, Berlin-Adlershof, 2006

Sarkarati, M., Briess, K., Kayal, H.
Design and Implementation of a Remote, Server- Client- Based Telemetry Retrieval and Monitoring System
AIAA-2006-5918, 9th International Conference on Space Operations, Rome, Italy, 19-23 June 2006

Montenegro, S.,  Briess, K., Kayal H.
Dependable and flexible Board Computer Software for Pico Satellites
DAta Systems In Aerospace, Hotel Palace Berlin, Germany, 22 – 25 May 2006

Trowitzsch, S., Baumann, F., Birke, H., Grewe, R., Kayal, H., Richter, D.
TUPEX An Experimental Sounding Rocket Payload for Evaluation of Pico Satellite Technologies
Space Technology Education Conference, Braunschweig, Germany, May 9th – 12th, 2006

Kayal, H., Brieß, K., Renner, U.
Small Satellites from Berlin
3rd Asian Space Conference, 21 – 23 March 2007, Singapore

Kayal, H., Brieß, K.
Pico and Nano Satellite Technologies at the Technical University of Berlin
IAC-05-B5.6.B.03, 56th International Astronautical Congress 2005, Fukuoka, Japan, October 2005

Kayal, H., Brieß, K.
Pico Satellite Concept of TU-Berlin
IAA-B5-1401, 5th IAA Symposium On Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin, April 4 - 8, 2005

Baumann, F., Brieß, K., Kayal, H.
Drei-Achsen-stabilisierte Picosatellitenplattform für Fernerkundungsaufgaben
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung und Geoinformation e.V., 21-23 September, Rostock, 2005

Sarkarati, M., Brieß, K., Kayal, H.
A Web-Based Modular and Flexible Data Acquisition and Telemetry Monitoring System for Micro Satellites
IAA-B5-1303, 5th IAA Symposium On Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin, April 4 - 8, 2005

Kayal, H., Brieß, K., Eckler, J., Hillenmaier, O.
Miniaturisation - a New Evolution Level of Reaction Wheels
IAA-B5-1110P (Poster), 5th IAA Symposium On Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin, April 4 - 8, 2005
Montenegro, S., Brieß, K., Kayal, H.
Dependable and Flexible Board Computer for Pico Satellites
IAA-B5-1101, 5th IAA Symposium On Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin, April 4 - 8, 2005

Brieß, K., Kayal, H.
A Mission Analysis and Simulation System for Cost Effective Earth Observation Missions with Micro-, Nano- and Pico-Satellites
IAC-04-IAA-, 55th International Astronautical Congress, 4-8 October 2004, Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Lorenz, E., Bärwald, W., Briess, K., Kayal, H., Schneller, M., Wüsten, H.
Résumés of the BIRD Mission
Proceedings of The 4S Symposium: Small Satellites, Systems and Services (ESA SP-571). 20 - 24 September 2004, La Rochelle, France. Editor: B. Warmbein. Published on CDROM., p.31.1

Halle, W., Briess, K., Kayal, H.
An autonomous information generation and distribution system for the next generation of small satellites: examples of the BIRD mission experiments
Proc. SPIE Vol. 5234, p. 572-579, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites VII; Roland Meynart, Steven P. Neeck, Haruhisa Shimoda, Joan B. Lurie, Michelle L. Aten; Eds., Feb 2004

Brieß, K., Bärwald, W., Gill, E., Kayal, H, Lorenz, E., Montenbruck, O., Montenegro, S., Halle, W., Schlicker, M., Skrbek, W., Studemund, H., Terzibaschian, T.
Technologiedemonstration mit dem DLR-Kleinsatelliten BIRD
Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2002, Stuttgart, 23.-26. September 2002

Brieß, K., Montenegro, S., Bärwald, W., Halle, W., Kayal, H., Lorenz, E., Skrbek, W., Studemund, H., Terzibaschian, T., Walter, I.
Demonstration of small satellite technologies by the BIRD mission
16th Annual AIAA/USU Conference on Small Satellites, August 12 - 15, 2002
Kayal, H., Lauterbach, A.
Telemetry Reception and Commanding with a Low-Cost Ground Station for the Small Satellite BIRD
Proceedings, etc 2002, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, May 27 to 30, 2002, 174-184

Brieß, K., Bärwald, W. , Kayal, H., Lorenz, E., Oertel, D., Zhukov, B., Skrbek, W., Walter, I.
BIRD a Dedicated Mission for Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fires
29th ISRSE, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 8 - 12, 2002

Gill, E., Montenbruck, O., Kayal, H., Brieß, K.
Combined space-ground autonomy for the BIRD small satellite mission
3rd IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, April 2-6, 2001, Berlin, Germany

Gill, E., Brieß, K., Montenbruck, O., Kayal, H.
A concept for an autonomous space and ground segment applied to the BIRD satellite mission
Poster, 19th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference, Spring 2001

Kayal, H.
Development of an experimental low-cost ground station for the small satellite project BIRD
Space Ops 2000, 6th International Symposium, 19-23 June 2000, Toulouse, France

Kayal, H.
An Experimental Low-Cost Ground Station for the Small Satellite Project BIRD
in: H. P. Röser, Sandau, R., A. Valenzuela (Eds.): Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Digest of the 2nd. Int. Symp. of the IAA, Berlin, April 12-16, 1999, Wissenschaft u. Technik Verl., 143-146

Kayal, H.
A Low-Cost Ground Station for the Small Satellite BIRD
3rd International Symposium on Reducing the Cost of Spacecraft Ground Systems and Operations, March 22-24, 1999, NCKU, Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Tainan, Taiwan