    Lehrstuhl für Informatik VIII - Informationstechnik für Luft- und Raumfahrt

    Dipl.-Inf., MBA Ana Vodopivec

    Research Assistant

    Aerospace Information Technology
    Department of Computer Science VIII
    Emil-Fischer-Str. 32, Room 1.211, 1st floor, right side
    Julius Maximilians Universität Würzburg
    Campus Hubland Nord, D-97074 Würzburg

    Phone:  +49-931-31-82878
    Fax: +49-931-31-82878-0


    Ana Vodopivec studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Sarajevo. Afterwards she studied computer science and physics at the University of Würzburg where she received her computer science diploma in 2000.
    Ana then spent three years in the automotive supplier industry, where she worked as a hardware- and software-developer, collected experience in firmware development, embedded software development, planning and implementation of testing software and maintenance of existing hardware applications. She added a second executive two-year-master-study, Executive MBA "Business Integration" at the University of Würzburg, including two modules in the USA. There she was able to deepen her business knowledge and skills such as leadership, problem solving ability, mastery of presentation techniques, and she obtained her second degree, a master in Business Administration, in 2006.
    At the Service Center Research Support and Technology Transfer of University Würzburg she was active with very different tasks: These ranges from start-up advice (support of academic entrepreneurs with innovative, technology-driven business ideas) to knowledge management and transfer (collaboration with external partners from industry, research funding, recruitment of external funding through various national and EU projects).
    In April 2015 she joined the research team of Prof. Hakan Kayal as a research assistant and teacher at the department of Computer Science VIII of University Würzburg where she enjoys learning and trying new things again and again, to solve problems and to work scientifically. Since 2016 she has also been leading the EU third-party funding project: ASMET - Autonomous Sensor network for the detection and observation of METeors, where she designed and built an observation station with associated sensors and intelligent software for the detection and recognition of transient atmospheric phenomena.

    Projekte und übergreifende Aufgaben:

    Projekt ASMET

    11.05.16 Raketenstartplatz gefunden (Radio Gong) und Bericht des Modellflugplatzes

    18.04.17 Erste Raketenstarts am Modellflugplatz Uengershausen (Main-Post)

    04.04.17 Raketenstart statt Modellflieger (Stabsstelle Öffentlichkeitsarbeit)

    Software-Praktikum: Detection of the Hessdalsphenomena in video streams with OpenCV

    Fachkoordinatorin im ERASMUS Programm und IT-Netz- und Systemverantwortliche

    Supervised thesis

    Olena Schmitt, Development and Test of a Software for Detection and Analysis of Transient Sky Phenomena, Master's Thesis, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik, Studienfach: Informatik, Würzburg, 2016.

    Joachim Illmer, Entwurf eines UV-Spektrometer Nutzlastkonzepts fur interplanetare Nanosatelliten, Masterarbeit, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik, Studienfach: Informatik, Würzburg, 2018.

    Kai Sommer, Entwurf eines Konzepts zur On-Board Bildanalyse in Nanosatellitenmissionen mit neuronalen Netzen, Masterarbeit, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik, Studienfach: Informatik, Würzburg, 2018.

    Clemens Riegler, Investigation of concepts for the in situ construction of orbital megastructures, Bachelor's Thesis, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik, Studienfach: Luft- und Raumfahrtinformatik, Würzburg, 2018.

    Alexander Rabinowitsch, Untersuchung von Transportszenarien im Rahmen des Aufbaus einer Frühen Stationären Mondbasis, Bachelorarbeit, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik, Studienfach: Luft- und Raumfahrtinformatik, Würzburg, 2018.


    • A. Vodopivec und H. Kayal, „Autonomous sensor network for detection and observation of meteors“, Internationale Meteor Konferenz IMC, Petnica, Serbien, 21.–24. September 2017.
    • O. Balagurin, K. Djebko, G. Fellinger, H. Kayal, A. Schartel, A. Schneider, T. Schwarz, A. Vodopivec und H. Wojtkowiak, „A concept for a nanosatellite mission to demonstrate autonomous system technologies“ in 11th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin, 2017.
    • K. Djebko, T. Schwarz, G. Fellinger, H. Kayal, F. Puppe, A. Schartel, A. Vodopivec und H. Wojtkowiak, „A model-based fault detection and root cause identification system for increased autonomy of small satellites“ in 11th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin, 2017.
    • H. Kayal, O. Balagurin, K. Djebko, G. Fellinger, F. Puppe, A. Schartel, T. Schwarz, A. Vodopivec und H. Wojtkowiak, „SONATE - A Nano Satellite for the In-Orbit Verification of Autonomous Detection, Planning and Diagnosis Technologies“ in AIAA Space and Astronautics Forum and Exposition , Long Beach, CA, 2016.
    • T. Schwarz, O. Balaruin, K. Djebko, G. Fellinger, H. Kayal, F. Puppe, A. Schartel, A. Vodopivec und H. Wojtkowiak, „SONATE Nanosatelliten-Mission zur Erprobung von hochautonomen Nutzlasten“ in Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Braunschweig, 2016.

    Saturn V, F-1-Triebwerke der ersten Stufe, Bildquelle: Privat/Kennedy Space Center℠ | NASA - Cape Canaveral, FL, 2005