Deutsch Intern
Chair of Computer Science I - Algorithms and Complexity

Talks in September


In September, the research group for knowledge-based systems of Prof. Seipel takes part in three conferences to present its work.

On September 3-6 the 20th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP'18) took place in Frankfurt. Falco Nogatz presented the System Description "Web-based Visualisation for Definite Clause Grammars using Prolog Meta-Interpreters" (Falco Nogatz, Jona Kalkus, Dietmar Seipel).

On September 14, the annual Workshop on Logic Programming (WLP) takes places in Berlin. There, the paper "PyPlC - Towards a Prolog Database Connectivity for Python" (Stefan Bodenlos, Daniel Weidner, Dietmar Seipel) is presented.

On September 17-21, the research group on knowledge-based systems is represented at the 2nd International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR'18) in Luxemburg by Falco Nogatz, who talks about the paper "CHR.js: A CHR Implementation in JavaScript" (Falco Nogatz, Thom Frühwirth, Dietmar Seipel). The work was awarded a student travel grant by RuleML.
