Seipel, Dietmar
Prof. Dr. Dietmar Seipel

Department of Computer Science
University of Würzburg
Am Hubland
D-97074 Würzburg, Germany
Room: E30
Tel. +49 931 / 318 - 5026
Fax. +49 931 / 318 - 4600
Bachelor, Hauptstudium (Diplom)
Master, Hauptstudium (Diplom)
- Datenbanken
Bachelor, Grundstudium (Diplom)
- Datenbanken 2 (Advanced Databases)
- Deduktive Datenbanken
- Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (Praktische Informatik 1)
- Softwaretechnik (Praktische Informatik 2)
- Logik für Informatiker
- Informatik für Hörer aller Fakultäten
- Relational and Deductive Databases, Knowledge Bases
- Logic Programming
- Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering
- Semi-Structured Data and XML
- The DisLog Developers' Toolkit (DDK)
since november 1995 professor at the University of Würzburg
Key Publications
- complete publication list