Deutsch Intern
    Chair of Computer Science VI - Artificial Intelligence and Applied Computer Science

    Dr. Markus Krug

    University of Würzburg
    Department for Artificial Intelligence
    and Applied Computer Science
    Am Hubland
    D-97074 Würzburg


    Room:  B012A
    Phone: +49 931 / 31 - 84966
    Fax:     +49 931 / 31 - 86732

    About me

    In 2020, i finished my doctoral thesis "Techniques for the Automatic Extraction of Character Networks in German Historic Novels" at the chair of artificial intelligence in Wuerzburg. In January of 2020 i started working as Software Consultant at denkbares .


    My interests are generally found in "Information Extraction" from unstructured documents, where my core interests are Coreference Resolution and Entity Recognition. I am highly interested in symbolic algorithms ("Rule based methods") as well as Machine Learning or even combinations of both worlds.

    Since end of 2019 i am supporting the teaching of the chair of technical comp science at Wuerzburg.




    Term Course Position
    Summer 2015 Softwaretechnik Exercise Leader
    Winter 2015/2016 Sprachverarbeitung und Text Mining Exercise Leader
    Winter 2017/2018 Sprachverarbeitung und Text Mining Lecturer
    Winter 2018/2019 Sprachverarbeitung und Text Mining Lecturer
    Summer 2019 Programmieren mit Neuronalen Netzen Lecturer
    Winter 2019/2020 Eingebettete Systeme Exercise Leader
    Summer 2020 Programmieren mit Neuronalen Netzen Lecturer
    Winter 2020/2021 Eingebettete Systeme Exercise Leader
    Winter 2020/2021 Sprachverarbeitung und Text Mining Lecturer
    Summer 2021 Programmieren mit Neuronalen Netzen Lecturer



    2021[ to top ]
    • Detecting Scenes in Fiction: A new Segmentation Task. Zehe, Albin; Konle, Leonard; Dümpelmann, Lea; Gius, Evelyn; Hotho, Andreas; Jannidis, Fotis; Kaufmann, Lucas; Krug, Markus; Puppe, Frank; Reiter, Nils; Schreiber, Annekea; Wiedmer, Nathalie. In Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the {E}uropean Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Volume 1, Long Papers. ACL, 2021.
    2020[ to top ]
    • Techniques for the Automatic Extraction of Character Networks in German Historic Novels. Technical Report (PhD dissertation), . Krug, Markus. PhD dissertation. Universit{ä}t W{ü}rzburg, 2020.
    2019[ to top ]
    • {Automatic recognition of direct speech without quotation marks. A rule-based approach}. Tu, Ngoc Duyen Tanja; Krug, Markus; Brunner, Annelen. In Proceedings of DHD. 2019.
    • {Evaluation of state of the art methods for coreference resolution and quotation attribution on German literary novels}. Krug, Markus; Schmidt, David; Wehner, Nils; Jannidis, Fotis; Puppe, Frank. Cambridge University Press, 2019.
    • {Techniques for High Quality Character Reference Detection on German Historical Novels}. Krug, Markus; Schmidt, David; Jannidis, Fotis; Puppe, Frank. De Gruyter Open, 2019.
    2018[ to top ]
    • Annotation and beyond – Using {ATHEN} Annotation and Text Highlighting Environment. Krug, Markus; Tu, Ngoc Duyen Tanja; Weimer, Lukas; Reger, Isabella; Konle, Leonard; Jannidis, Fotis; Puppe, Frank. In DHd 2018. 2018.
    • Analysing Direct Speech in German Novels. Jannidis, Fotis; Konle, Leonard; Zehe, Albin; Hotho, Andreas; Krug, Markus. In DHd 2018. 2018.
    • {Description of a Corpus of Character References in German Novels - {DROC} [{D}eutsches {RO}man {C}orpus]}. Krug, Markus; Puppe, Frank; Reger, Isabella; Weimer, Lukas; Macharowsky, Luisa; Feldhaus, Stephan; Jannidis, Fotis. In DARIAH-DE Working Papers. DARIAH-DE, 2018.
    2017[ to top ]
    • {Overcoming Data Sparsity for Relation Detection in German Novels.}. Krug, Markus; Reger, Isabella; Jannidis, Fotis; Weimer, Lukas; Madar{á}sz, Nathalie; Puppe, Frank. In DH. 2017.
    • Comparison of Methods for Automatic Relation Extraction in German Novels. Krug, Markus; Wick, Christoph; Jannidis, Fotis; Reger, Isabella; Weimer, Lukas; Madarasz, Nathalie; Puppe, Frank. In Dhd Tagung. 2017.
    2016[ to top ]
    • Comparison of Methods for...
      Comparison of Methods for the Identification of Main Characters in German Novels. Krug, Markus; Puppe, Frank; Jannidis, Fotis; Reger, Isabella; Weimer, Lukas; Macharowsky, Luisa. 2016.
    • Attribuierung direkter Reden in deutschen Romanen des 18.-20. Jahrhunderts. Methoden zur Bestimmung des Sprechers und des Angesprochenen. Puppe, Frank; Krug, Markus; Jannidis, Fotis; Weimer, Lukas; Macharowsky, Luisa; Reger, Isabella. DHD 2016, 2016.
    2015[ to top ]
    • Rule based Coreference Re...
      Rule based Coreference Resolution in German Historic Novels. Puppe, Frank; Krug, Markus; Jannidis, Fotis; Reger, Isabella; Weimer, Lukas; Macharowsky, Luisa. 2015.
    • Automatische Erkennung vo...
      Automatische Erkennung von Figuren in deutschsprachigen Romanen. Fotis, Jannidis; Krug, Markus; Puppe, Frank; Toepfer, Martin; Weimer, Lukas; Reger, Isabella. 2015.