Deutsch Intern
    Chair of Computer Science VI - Artificial Intelligence and Applied Computer Science

    Christian Hauptmann, M.Sc.

    University of Würzburg
    Chair of Artificial Intelligence
    and Knowledge Systems
    Am Hubland
    D-97074 Würzburg

    Room:  B006
    Phone: +49 931 31-84269


    About Me

    I joined the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Applied Computer Science in November 2021 after receiving my masters degree in computer science. My interests are in the field of natural language processing where I am researching the application of conventional algorithms and neural networks for conversational systems.



    As a member of the TargetJura  Project I am researching on dialogue systems for debating ethical concerns in the use of artificial intelligence in core areas of our society. For this sake, we are developing a web framework where users can engage with our chatbot. The bot is currently online and you can chat with him here.




    WS23 Software Practical Course (Supervision of a group)
    SS22 Programming with neural networks (Coordinator of exercises)
    SS22 Software Practical Course (Supervision of a group)


    • Argumentation effect of a chatbot for ethical discussions about autonomous AI scenarios. Hauptmann, Christian; Krenzer, Adrian; V{ö}lkel, Justin; Puppe, Frank. In Knowledge and Information Systems. 2024.
    • ADEA: An Argumentative Dialogue Dataset on Ethical Issues Concerning Future A.I. Applications. Hauptmann, Christian; Krenzer, Adrian; Krause, Antonia; Puppe, Frank. In LREC/COLING, N. Calzolari, M.-Y. Kan, V. Hoste, A. Lenci, S. Sakti, N. Xue (reds.), bll 426–437. ELRA and ICCL, 2024.
    • Team Xenophilius Lovegood at SemEval-2019 Task 4: Hyperpartisanship Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks. Zehe, Albin; Hettinger, Lena; Ernst, Stefan; Hauptmann, Christian; Hotho, Andreas. In Proceedings of The 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2019.