The Chair of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Systems is currently involved in a variety of projects. In the following, you will find information on current research projects:
Image Processing:
Segmentation of old prints and integration into OCR pipeline: Recognition of image and text regions in scans of old prints using different methods (including pixel classifier, contour-based approaches, baseline approaches), recognition and interpretation of tables in documents. Recognition of handwritten artifacts in old scans (project: internal project with ZPD, Würzburg; successor of joint project Kallimachos).
Contact: Alexander Gehrke, Norbert Fischer, Alexander Hartelt, Frank Puppe
Image analysis in medicine: Detection of polyps in real time in endoscopy videos (Project: IZKF with Prof. Meining), interpretation of radiological and endoscopic images, localization of an endoscope in the intestine.
Contact: Adrian Krenzer, Amar Hekalo, Michael Banck, Frank Puppe
OMR (Optical Music Recognition): Transcription of song texts in old manuscripts: Segmentation of notes and text as well as their transcription and assignment (Project: Corpus Monodicum with Prof. Haug)
Contact: Alexander Hartelt, Frank Puppe
Natural Language Processing:
Legal judgment analysis to search for similar judgments to a legal case (Jana project with RenoStar GmbH)
- Contact: Felix Herrmann, Frank Puppe
Medical information extraction from textual documents such as diagnostic reports, request documents (DZ-PTM project with University Hospital Würzburg and Prof. Hotho, Prof. Latoschik)
- Contact: Jonathan Krebs, Frank Puppe
Character Recognition in Novels (Succession of Kallimachos)
- Contact: David Schmidt, Markus Krug, Frank Puppe
Data extraction from tables in documents
- Contact: Sebastian Kempf, Frank Puppe
Chatbots for ethical and legal topics
- Contact: Christian Hauptmann, Frank Puppe
Knowledge processing and exploration:
Simulation of heating systems for anomaly detection and optimization (KINERGY project of BMWi with ENER-IQ, SEnerCon, and Prof. Seipel)
- Contact: Kirill Djebko, Frank Puppe
Development of a data warehouse with exploration of data and ad-hoc information extraction (focus: medical applications)
- Contact: Leon Liman, Frank Puppe
Tutoring systems:
E-assessment for semi-structured tasks, including tasks on programming (Python) and on web programming and data structures (databases, XML, class diagrams) Project IT4all (Digital Campus Bavaria)
- Contact: Björn Eyselein, Frank Puppe