Freiberg, Martina

Dipl.-Inform. Martina Freiberg
University of Würzburg
Department for Artificial Intelligence
and Applied Computer Science
Am Hubland
D-97074 Würzburg
Phone: +49 931 / 31- 80465
Fax: +49 931 / 31 - 86732
Curriculum Vitae
22.09.2014 Successful defense of my Ph.D. Thesis
UI-, User-, & Usability-Oriented Engineering of
Participative Knowledge-based Systems
2008 - 2014 Research Assistant at this Department for Pursuing my Ph.D.
2007 Diploma Thesis at the University of Würzburg
"Categorization of Current Visualization Techniques and
Implementation for Knowledge-Based Systems"
2002 - 2007 Study of Computer Science at the University of Würzburg
Research Interests
- Knowledge-based Systems
- Software Engineering (Java) and Knowledge Engineering (d3web / rule-based / CBR)
- Web Design and Web Development (Servlets, HTML, CSS, JavaScript/Ajax/JQuery)
- Software Prototyping
- Visualization and Application (e.g., for Knowledge Base Analysis, Justification Generation...)
- Software Evaluation and Usability
- Human Computer Interaction
In my spare time, I ...
- am addicted to my two kids
- love to regenerate by playing the piano, guitar, or working out (hiking, cycling)
- appreciate reading books
- enjoy traveling