    Lehrstuhl für Künstliche Intelligenz und Wissenssysteme

    Publications (Bibsonomy)

    Publications of Peter Klügl

    2014[ to top ]
    • UIMA Ruta Workbench: Rule-based Text Annotation. Kluegl, Peter; Toepfer, Martin; Beck, Philip-Daniel; Fette, Georg; Puppe, Frank. In Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations, pp. 29–33. Dublin City University and Association for Computational Linguistics, Dublin, Ireland, 2014.
    • UIMA Ruta: Rapid development of rule-based information extraction applications. Kluegl, Peter; Toepfer, Martin; Beck, Philip-Daniel; Fette, Georg; Puppe, Frank. In Natural Language Engineering, FirstView, pp. 1–40. 2014.
    2013[ to top ]
    • Constraint-driven Evaluation in UIMA Ruta. Wittek, Andreas; Toepfer, Martin; Fette, Georg; Klügl, Peter; Puppe, Frank. In UIMA@GSCL, Vol. 1038 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, P. Klügl, R. Eckart de Castilho, K. Tomanek (eds.), pp. 58–65., 2013.
    • Exploiting Structural Consistencies with Stacked Conditional Random Fields. Kluegl, Peter; Toepfer, Martin; Lemmerich, Florian; Hotho, Andreas; Puppe, Frank. In Mathematical Methodologies in Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 30, pp. 111–125. 2013.
    2012[ to top ]
    • Stacked Conditional Random Fields Exploiting Structural Consistencies. Kluegl, Peter; Toepfer, Martin; Lemmerich, Florian; Hotho, Andreas; Puppe, Frank. In Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM), P. L. Carmona, J. S. Sánchez, A. Fred (eds.), pp. 240–248. SciTePress, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 2012.
    • Collective Information Extraction with Context-Specific Consistencies. Klügl, Peter; Toepfer, Martin; Lemmerich, Florian; Hotho, Andreas; Puppe, Frank. In ECML/PKDD (1), Vol. 7523 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, P. A. Flach, T. D. Bie, N. Cristianini (eds.), pp. 728–743. Springer, 2012.
    2011[ to top ]
    • Information Extraction from Echocardiography Records. Fette, Georg; Kluegl, Peter; Ertl, Maximilian; Störk, Stefan; Puppe, Frank. In Workshop Notes of the LWA 2011 - Learning, Knowledge, Adaptation. 2011.
    • Towards Learning Error-Driven Transformations for Information Extraction. Eckstein, Benjamin; Kluegl, Peter; Puppe, Frank. In Workshop Notes of the LWA 2011 - Learning, Knowledge, Adaptation. 2011.
    2010[ to top ]
    • Conditional Random Fields for Local Adaptive Reference Extraction. Toepfer, Martin; Kluegl, Peter; Hotho, Andreas; Puppe, Frank. In Workshop on Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining, Machine Learning (KDML 2010). 2010.
    • Local Adaptive Extraction of References. Kluegl, Peter; Hotho, Andreas; Puppe, Frank. In KI 2010: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 33rd Annual German Conference on AI, of LNAI 6359, R. Dillmann, J. Beyerer, U. D. Hanebeck, T. Schultz (eds.), pp. 40–47. Springer, 2010.
    2009[ to top ]
    • Meta-level Information Extraction. Klügl, Peter; Atzmueller, Martin; Puppe, Frank. In KI, Vol. 5803 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, B. Mertsching, M. Hund, M. Z. Aziz (eds.), pp. 233–240. Springer, 2009.
    • TextMarker: A Tool for Rule-Based Information Extraction. Kluegl, Peter; Atzmueller, Martin; Puppe, Frank. In Proceedings of the Biennial GSCL Conference 2009, 2nd UIMA@GSCL Workshop, C. Chiarcos, R. E. de Castilho, M. Stede (eds.), pp. 233–240. Gunter Narr Verlag, 2009.
    • A Framework for Semi-Automatic Development of Rule-based Information Extraction Applications. Kluegl, Peter; Atzmueller, Martin; Hermann, Tobias; Puppe, Frank. In Proc. LWA 2009 (KDML - Special Track on Knowledge Discovery and Machine Learning), M. H. und Frederik Janssen (ed.), pp. 56–59. 2009.
    2008[ to top ]
    • Integrating the Rule-Based IE Component TextMarker into UIMA. Kluegl, Peter; Atzmueller, Martin; Puppe, Frank. In LWA-2008 (Special Track on Information Retrieval), J. Baumeister, M. Atzmueller (eds.), pp. 73–77. 2008.
    • Konzeption und Evaluation eines fallbasierten Trainingssystems im universitätsweiten Einsatz (CaseTrain). Hoernlein, Alexander; Ifland, Marianus; Kluegl, Peter; Puppe, Frank. In GMS Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie, GMS Med Inform Biom Epidemiol, 5(1). 2008.
    • Test-Driven Development of Complex Information Extraction Systems using TextMarker. Kluegl, Peter; Atzmueller, Martin; Puppe, Frank. In 4th International Workshop on Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering (KESE 2008),31th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI-2008), G. J. Naplepa, J. Baumeister (eds.), pp. 19–30. 2008.
    • Rule-Based Information Extraction for Structured Data Acquisition using TextMarker. Atzmueller, Martin; Kluegl, Peter; Puppe, Frank. In LWA-2008 (Special Track on Knowledge Discovery and Machine Learning), J. Baumeister, M. Atzmueller (eds.), pp. 1–7. 2008.
    2007[ to top ]
    • Rapid Knowledge Capture Using Subgroup Discovery with Incremental Refinement. Atzmueller, Martin; Baumeister, Joachim; Kluegl, Peter; Puppe, Frank. In K-CAP ’07: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Knowledge Capture, pp. 31–38. Whistler, BC, Canada, 2007.
    • Erwartungsgesteuerte Informationsextraktion in Satzteilen. Kluegl, Peter; Schuhmann, Martin; Puppe, Frank; Buscher, H.-P. In Lernen - Wissen - Adaption (LWA). 2007.
    2006[ to top ]
    • Conservative and Creative Strategies for the Refinement of Scoring Rules. Baumeister, Joachim; Atzmueller, Martin; Kluegl, Peter; Puppe, Frank. In FLAIRS’06: Proceedings of the 19th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, pp. 408–413. AAAI Press, 2006.