Prof. Dr. Frank Puppe
Head of Chair for Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Systems

Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg,
Institute for Computer Science
Chair for Computer Science VI,
Am Hubland, D-97074 Würzburg.
Tel.: +49 931 / 31 - 86730,
Fax: +49 931 / 31 - 86732,
Room: B010 in Computer Science Building
Education | 1991 habilitation (Karlsruhe Univ.): Problem solving with expert systems |
1986 dissertation (Kaiserslautern Univ.): Diagnostic problem solving | |
1983 Diploma in Computer Science (Bonn Univ.) | |
Professional Experience | 2015-2017 senator |
2011-2013 dean | |
2008-2011 dean of students | |
since 1992: full professor at Würzburg university | |
1988: guest scientist in Clinical Decision Making Group (MIT, Boston) | |
1987: Six-month deputyship for Professor at Hamburg University | |
Research Fields | Image and Video Interpretation in Medicine |
OCR, OMR and segmentation of historical documents | |
Text Mining and Information Extraction from medical, legal, literary documents and tables | |
Knowledge Systems, Simulation, | |
Data Warehousing, Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining | |
E-Learning and E-Assessment in semi-structured domains (e.g. programming, argumentation) | |
Current Projects | 2014-2019 Kallimachos (BMBF supported center for digital edition and quantitative analysis; information extraction from novels); since 2019 board member of Center for philology and digitality Kallimachos of Wuerzburg University |
2015-2021 IT4All (Digital Campus Bavaria): E-Assessment for formal tasks (e.g. programming) | |
2019-2023 KINERGY (BMWi): optimization of heating systems (with SEnerCon adn ENER-IQ) | |
2019-2023 DZ-PTM (Bavaria state and Würzburg University Clinic): order entry optimization in radiology | |
2019-2027 Corpus Monodicum (German Academy Mainz): edition of medieval latin music and OMR; with Prof. Haug) | |
2020-2023 (IZKF and Würzburg University Clinic ) Optimization of adenom detection in Colon (with Prof. Meining) | |
2019-2022 (IuK Bayern): Analysis of legal judgements (with RenoStar) | |
2020-2022 (ESF-ZDEX): Center for Digital Experiments 4.0 (with Wuerzburg University) | |
Selected Publications
Fischer, N., Gehrke, A., Hartelt, A., Krug, M. and Puppe, F.: Contour-based Segmentation of Historical Printings, Proc. of German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI2020), 2020.
Krenzer, A., Hekalo, A., Puppe, F.: Endoscopic Detection And Segmentation Of Gastroenterological Diseases With Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, Proc. of the 2nd Int. Workshop and Challenge on Computer Vision in Endoscopy (CEUR 2595), 58-63, 2020.
Puppe, F.: Künstliche Intelligenz - Überblick und gesellschaftlicher Ausblick, erscheint in RobotRecht, 2020.
Dietrich, G., Krebs, J., Liman, L., Fette, G., Ertl, M., Kaspar, M., Störk, S., Puppe, F.: Replicating Medication Trend Studies Using Ad Hoc Information Extraction in a Clinical Data Warehouse, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 19, 15:1-15:21 (ISSN: 1472-6947), 2019.
Djebko, K., Puppe. F. and Kayal, H.: Model-Based Fault Detection and Diagnosis for Spacecraft with an Application for the SONATE Triple Cube Nano-Satellite, Aerospace 6 (10), (ISSN 2226-4310), 2019.
Eipert, T., Haug, A., Herrmann, F., Puppe, F., Voigt, K., Wick, C.: Editionsphilologische, informationstechnische und musiktheoretische Aspekte des digitalen Edierens einstimmiger Musik des Mittelalters am Beispiel des CORPUS MONODICUM, Musiktheorie, Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschafte 34 (3) 214-226, 2019.
Loda, S., Krebs, J. , Danhof, S., Schreder, M., Solimando, A., Strifler, S., Rasche, L., Kortüm, M., Kerscher, A., Knop, S., Puppe, F., Einsele, H., and Bittrich, M.: Exploration of Artificial Intelligence Use with ARIES in Multiple Myeloma Research, in: Journal of Clinical Medicine 8 (7), 2019.
Reul, C., Christ, D., Hartelt, A., Balbach, N., Wehner, M., Springmann, U., Wick, C., Grundig, C., Büttner, A., Puppe, F.: OCR4all - An Open-Source Tool Providing a (Semi-)Automatic OCR Workflow for Historical Printings. Applied Sciences. 9 (22) 4853, (ISSN: 2076-3417), 2019.
Wick, C.; Hartelt, A.; Puppe, F.: Staff, Symbol, and Melody Detection of Medieval Manuscripts written in Square Notation using Deep Fully Convolutional Networks, Applied Science (ISSN: 2076-3417), 2019.
Dietrich, G., Krebs, J., Fette, G., Ertl, M., Kaspar, M., Störk, S., Puppe, F.: Ad Hoc Information Extraction for Clinical Data Warehouses, Methods of Information in Medicine 57 (S 01): 22-29, (ISSN 0026-1270), 2018.
Eyselein, B., Puppe, F.: it4all–Ein Korrekturframework für Programmieraufgaben, Proc. Workshops 16. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik and DeLFI, 2018.
Reul, C.; Springmann, U.; Wick, C.; Puppe, F.: Improving OCR Accuracy on Early Printed Books by combining Pretraining, Voting, and Active Learning. in: JLCL (Special Issue on Automatic Text and Layout Recognition) 33(1) 3-24, (ISSN 2190-6858), 2018.
Wick, C., Puppe, F. (2018) Fully Convolutional Neural Networks for Page Segmentation of Historical Document Images, 13th IAPR Int. Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS), 287-292, 2018.
Wick, C., Reul, C., Puppe, F.: Comparison of OCR Accuracy on Early Printed Books using the Open Source Engines Calamari and OCRopus, in: JLCL (Special Issue on Automatic Text and Layout Recognition) 33 (1), 79-96. (ISSN 2190-6858), 2018.
Krebs, J., Corovic, H., Dietrich, G., Ertl, M., Fette, G., Kaspar, M., Krug, M., Störk, S., Puppe, F.: Semi-Automatic Terminology Generation for Information Extraction from German Chest X-Ray Reports. In: Röhrig, R., Timmer, A., Binder, H., and Sax, U. (eds.) GMDS. 80-84. IOS Press, 2017.
Reul, C., Springmann, U., Puppe, F. 2017. LAREX – A semi-automatic open-source Tool for Layout Analysis and Region Extraction on Early Printed Books. In Digital Access to Textual Cultural Heritage, DATeCH 2017: 2nd Int. Conf. on Digital Access to Textual Cultural Heritage, 2017.
Beck, P.-D., Ifland, M. Kronbach, J., Puppe, F., Schenke, R.: Semi-automatische Korrektur von juristischen Lösungsskizzen, Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Rechtswissenschaft 3 (ZDRW), Werkstattbericht, 242-251, 2016.
Kluegl, P., Toepfer, M., Beck, P.-D., Fette, G., Puppe, F.: UIMA Ruta: Rapid Development of Rule-based Information Extraction Applications, Natural Language Engineering. 22, 1-40 (ISSN 1351-3249), 2016.
Kaspar, M., Ertl, M., Fette, G., Dietrich, G., Toepfer, M., Angermann, C., Störk, S., Puppe, F.: Data Linkage from Clinical to Study Databases via an R Data Warehouse User Interface. Methods of Information in Medicine. 55 (4), 381--386, 2016.
Lemmerich, F., Atzmueller, M., Puppe, F.: Fast Exhaustive Subgroup Discovery with Numerical Target Concepts. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 30 (3), 711-762, 2016.
Tolxdorff, T., Puppe, F.: Klinisches Data Warehouse [Clinical Data Warehouse], Informatik-Spektrum 39(3), 233-237, 2016.