Erasmus Exchange JMU Würzburg and NTNU Trondheim
“Secure and Robust Internet Applications and Communications”

NTNU Trondheim - Information for Outgoing Students
NTNU Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (IE) offers several bachelor programmes and five 5-year master programmes and 13 2-year programmes in computer science ( Most of the courses at the BSc programme are in Norwegian, while the majority of MSc courses are taught in English.
MSc courses in English which are of interest to this exchange programme includes (but not limited to - courses only at Information Security and Communication Technology (IIK) are listed)
- Networking and Communication Systems
- Access and Transport Networks
- Applied Networking
- Computer Networks [BSc]
- Design of Communicating Systems
- Internet Network Architecture
- Mobile Networks and Services
- Network and Service Management
- Security and Robustness
- Dependability and Performance Design
- Dependability and Performance with Discrete Event Simulation
- Security and robustness in ICT systems [BSc - in Norwegian]
- Wireless Network Security
- Applied Cryptography and Network Security
- Blockchain Technologies and Cryptocurrencies
- Intrusion Detection in Physical and Virtual Networks
- Critical Infrastructures
- Critical Infrastructure Security
- Design of Cyber-Physical Systems
- Introduction to Cyber and Information Security Technology
- Introduction to Information Security Management
- Security Management Metrics
For a full list of relevant courses, see [search for course codes TTM, TTT, TFE, TDT, TTK].
For courses at the four computer science (and electrical engineering) departments, see
- IIK (Information Security and Communication Technology)
- IDI (Computer Science)
- ITK (Engineering Cybernetics)
- IES (Electronic Systems)
For information about Trondheim and studying at NTNU Trondheim, see,

JMU Würzburg - Information for Incoming Students
JMU offers different bachelor and master programmes in computer science
- Computer Science (Bachelor/Master/Teaching education)
- Human Computer Systems (Bachelor)
- Games Engineering (Bachelor)
- Space- and Aerospace Computer Science (Bachelor)
- Human Computer Interaction (Master)
- Satellite Technology (Master)
- eXtended Artificial Intelligence (Master)
An overview about available modules for incoming students can be found here
Modules on bachelor's and master's level which are of interest to this exchange programme includes courses in the area of Internet applications and communications, methodology, and design and engineering.
- Internet Applications and Communications
- ...
- Methodology
- Discrete simulation technique
- Performance benchmarking
- Machine Learning
- Design and Engineering
- Games Engineering ...
For information about Würzburg and studying at JMU Würzburg please visit the homepage of the International Students Office.