Prof. Dr. Tobias Hoßfeld

Telefon | (0931) 31-86631 |
Telefax | (0931) 31-86632 | (private) | |
Raum | A211 |
Anschrift | Chair of Communication Networks (Informatik III) Am HublandD-97074 Würzburg |
Book on Performance Modeling and Analysis of Communication Networks
The text book is published as open access book by the Würzburg University Press:
The book focuses on the fundamental models of queueing theory as well as advanced models for recent communication systems and networks. It gives an introduction in common methods of performance modeling and analysis of communication systems. These methods form the basis of traffic engineering, teletraffic theory, and system analytical dimensioning tools. The fundamentals of probability theory, stochastic processes, Markov processes, and embedded Markov chains are presented. Basic queueing models are described with applications in communication networks. Advanced methods are presented that have been frequently used in practice, especially discrete-time analysis algorithms, or which go beyond classical performance like quality of experience or energy efficiency. Recent examples of modern communication networks include Software Defined Networking or the Internet of Things. Throughout the book, illustrative examples are used to provide practical experience in performance modeling and analysis.
An implementation of the models in the book is available as interactive notebooks. The scripts will help students to better understand the impact of parameters on performance characteristics, will avoid common pitfalls in the implementation, and provide means for numerical robust and efficient implementations for researchers in the domain.
Short CV
Tobias Hoßfeld is professor at the Chair of Communication Networks at the University of Würzburg, Germany, since 2018. He finished his PhD in 2009 and his professorial thesis (habilitation) "Modeling and Analysis of Internet Applications and Services" in 2013 at the University of Würzburg, where he was also heading the "Future Internet Applications & Overlays" research group. From 2014 to 2018, he was head of the Chair "Modeling of Adaptive Systems" at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. He has published more than 100 research papers in major conferences and journals, receiving several best conference paper awards, 3 awards for his PhD thesis, and the Fred W. Ellersick Prize 2013 (IEEE Communications Society) for one of his articles on QoE. He is member of the editorial board of IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, Springer Quality and User Experience, ACM SIGMM Records and elected chairperson of the ITG/VDE expert group "Communication Networks and Systems" within the German society of Information Technology (ITG).
Editorial board member
Expert Committees and Commissions
- Elected Chair of the ITG/VDE KT2 "Communication Networks and Systems"
- ITG/VDE TI 4 "Communication and Distributed Systems" (KuVS)
- GI/ITG "Measurement, Modeling, and Evaluation of Computing Systems" (MMB), GI Expert Group 3.2 and ITG Expert Group TI 5
- Member of the Future Communication Technologies Expert Committee of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy
- Committee member of DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) for International Study and Training Partnerships (ISAP) and Double Degree Programs
- Study Commission of the Fakultätentag Informatik
- Member of the Sustainability Commission of the University of Würzburg
TPC Co-Chair of (selected) International Conferences
- 4th IEEE ICC Workshop on Green and Sustainable Networking (GreenNet 2025)
- 3rd IEEE ICC Workshop on Green and Sustainable Networking (GreenNet 2024)
- 2nd IEEE ICC Workshop on Green and Sustainable Networking (GreenNet 2023)
- ACM Green Multimedia Systems Workshop (ACM GMSys 2023)
- 11th IEEE International Conference on Networks of the Future (NoF 2020)
- 11th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2019)
- International Conference on Networked Systems 2019 (NetSys 2019)
- ITC 30 "Teletraffic in a Smart World in 2018
- Dagstuhl Seminar "Evaluation in the Crowd: Crowdsourcing and Human-Centred Experiments", 2015
- ITC 28 "Digital Connected World" in 2016, Würzburg, Germany
- Third International Workshop on Economic Traffic Management 2010 (ETM 2010)
Selected Awards
- NoF 2024 Best Paper Award
- NetSoft 2023 Best Reviewer Award
- QoMEX 2022 Best Paper Award
- FlexNGIA Workshop at NOMS 2022 Best Paper Award
- Best Paper Award at WMNC 2021
- QoMEX 2017 Reviewer Recognition Award
- Fred W. Ellersick Prize 2013 (IEEE Communications Socienty), given annually to the best article published in a Communications Society magazine in the previous 3 calendar years: "A Generic Quantitative Relationship between Quality of Experience and Quality of Service,"IEEE Network, Vol. 24, No. 2, March/April 2010, pp.36-41.
- GI/ITG “Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung von Rechensystemen” MMB 2010 PhD award
- Award for outstanding PhD theses 2010 at University of Würzburg
- Best dissertation award 2010 of the Institute of Computer Science
University Education
- 9/2009 - 5/2013: Habilitation at the University of Würzburg on “Modeling and Analysis of Internet Applications and Services”.
- 10/2003 - 8/2009: Dr. rer. nat. at the University of Würzburg (summa cum laude). PhD tesis at OPUS
- 10/1997 - 9/2003: Dipl.Inform. at University of Würzburg; Computer Science with minor physics (Diplom); Mathematics with minor physics (Vordiplom).
Work Experience
- from 2018: full professor at the University of Würzburg and head of the chair of "Communication Networks"
- 2014 - 2018: full professor at the University of Duisburg-Essen and head of the chair of “Modeling of Adaptive Systems”
- 2008 - 2014: head of the FIA research group “Future Internet Applications & Overlays”
- 2013 - 2014: Privatdozent at the University of Würzburg
- in 2011: research stay as Senior researcher at Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien (FTW), Vienna, Austria
- 2009 - 2013: senior researcher & Akademischer Rat at the University of Würzburg
- 2004 - 2009: research assistant at Chair of Communication Networks, Prof. Dr.-Ing. P. Tran-Gia, University of Würzburg