Deutsch Intern
Chair of Computer Science III

Courses and Research Topics Offered at University of Würzburg for Exchange Students from Vietnam

The following courses are offered by the University of Würzburg and are approved by the Hanoi University of Science and Technology. Students from Vietnam participating at the exchange program Internet Communication Engineering can attend these courses and upon successfully finishing a course they earn credit points, which are granted at their home university in Hanoi. In general, the credit points earned can be determined as follows: CP = ⌊ ECTS / 2 ⌋. However, the final decision about the exact amount of credits point obtainable from a certain course is made by Prof. Dr. Nguyen Huu Thanh. Several courses are held in English and the courses, which are natively held in German, can also be talken at request.

Besides just attending lectures during the semester, there is also the option to work on a research project related to recent studies of the Chair in Würzburg. During the exchange semester, students shall attend at least one course related to their chosen research topic, but the focus is on working on the topic and writing a research paper. Each student research project is supervised by a scientific researcher of the Chair of Communication Networks. In the beginning, proposals and adjustment to the content of specific research theme can be discussed with the supervisor. A list of some possible themes for a research project is shown here.

Updated on Nomvember 11, 2020


Name Info ECTS Degree Term
3D Point Cloud Processing   5 G S
Discrete event simulation   8 G S
Security of Software Systems   5 G S
Self-Aware Computing   5 G S
Approximation Algorithms   5 G W
Introduction to IT Security   5 G W
Machine Learning   5 G W
New Internet Applications: Technology and Modeling Approaches   5 G W
Performance Engineering & Benchmarking of Computer Systems   5 U W



Name Info ECTS Degree Term
Current Topics of Machine Learning   5 G W/S
IT Security   5 G W/S

U: Undergraduate;  

G: Graduate;  

W: Winter;  

S: Summer  

Available Research Projects

User-Centric Aspects of Networking: Laboratory work and scientific research on current internet applications
5G Networking Technologies
Edge Cloud and Cloud Computing
Time Sensitive Networking
Software-Defined Networking and Network Function Virtualization
Internet of Things: Measurements and Networking for IoT
Blockchain for Networking: Performance Evaluation and Mechanisms

Further Courses of University of Würzburg

There are more courses offered by the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Würzburg, as shown below. In general, exchange students from Vietnam are free to attend all these courses. However, it is necessary to consult Prof. Dr. Tobias Hoßfeld whether the courses are related to the fields of Internet Communications Engineering or not. A complete listing of all courses and further information can also be found on this page Modules in English.

Updated on Nomvember 11, 2020


Name Info ECTS Degree Term
Computational Geometry   5 G W
Visualization Graphs   5 G S
Algorithms for Geographic Information Systems   5 G S
Exact Algorithms   5 G W
Advanced Data Bases   5 G S
Sofware Architecture   5 G S
Advanced Programming   5 U W
Artificial Intelligence I   5 G W
Robotics   8 G W
Robotics 2   8 G S
Advanced Automation   8 G W
Spacecraft Systems Analysis   8 G W
Space Dynamics   5 G W
Computer Science for Space Engineering   5 G W
Telecommunication System Design   10 G S
Remote Sensing   5 G S
Advanced Sensor Data Processing   5 G S
Software Quality   5 U W
Network and Concurrent Programming   5 U W
3D User Interfaces   5 G S
Principles of Interactive Systems   5 G W
Multimodal Interfaces   5 G S
Asset Development (Modelling and Animation)   5 U S
Natural Language Processing and Text Mining   5 G W
Machine Learning for Natural Language Processing   5 G S
Interactive Artificial Intelligence   5 U S



Name Info ECTS Degree Term
Algorithms for Programming Contests   5 G S
Graph Visualization   5 G W/S
Software Engineering   5 G W/S
Current Topics in HCI   5 U W/S
HCI Master Seminar   5 G W/S
Current Trends of Games Engineering   5 G W/S


Practical Courses and Projects

Name Info ECTS Degree Term
Praktikum Ethical Hacking Lab   10 G S
Praktikum Ethical Hacking Lab II   10 G S
Satellite Telecommunication Lab   6 G S
Floatsat   6 G W
Game Research Lab - Theory   10 G W
Game Research Lab - Architecture   10 G W/S
Game Research Lab - Design   10 G W/S
Game Research Lab - Applications   10 G W/S
HCI project Interdisciplinary   5 G W/S
HCI project Exhibition   5 G W/S
Praktikum Machine Learning   5/10 U/G W/S
Praktikum Software Design and Quality   5/10 U/G W/S
Algorithmics   10 G W/S

U: Undergraduate;  

G: Graduate;  

W: Winter;  

S: Summer  

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