Institut für Informatik



Auf Einladung von Prof. Guido Dietl findet im Sommersemester 2023 der folgende Vortrag statt:

Donnerstag, 22. Juni 2023, 16:15 Uhr, Zuse-Hörsaal, Informatikgebäude, Am Hubland

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Utschick
Technische Universität München

Bayesian Inference and Generative Models for Parameter Estimation in Wireless Communication Systems


In 6G communication systems, accurate channel state information plays a more critical role than ever. This talk will present a machine learning assisted approach to improve parameter estimation algorithms to achieve channel estimation performance beyond the state of the art. The proposed approach is based on the use of environmental ambient information characterizing the propagation environment of a given cell or sector of a wireless communication system, which can be captured using generative models. To this end, it requires spatial and temporal channel state information acquired at the base station from all users throughout its operational lifetime; in this sense, therefore, it is a Big Data approach. In contrast to the frequently voiced criticism, this talk considers the location dependence of the ML-based approach as a feature rather than a failure. The potential of the proposed approach is demonstrated through numerical Monte Carlo simulations and scenario-in-the-loop experiments.


Short bio:

Wolfgang Utschick (Fellow, IEEE) received his degrees in electrical engineering with honors from Technical University Munich. Prior to that, he completed several years of certified industrial training. Since 2002, he has been an Extraordinarius, Associate Professor and Full Professor for signal processing at TUM, a faculty member of TUM Asia in Singapore since 2011, and a regular visiting professor at the Singapore Institute of Technology; in 2021, he became a core member of the newly founded Munich Data Science Institute. Wolfgang Utschick teaches courses on statistical signal processing, optimization theory, and machine learning in wireless communications and other application areas. He holds several patents in the area of multi-antenna signal processing and he is author and co-author of a large number of technical papers in IEEE journals and conference proceedings. He is currently PI on several national 6G projects and has a strong track record of successful industry collaborations in this field.




Weitere Vorträge: Informatik-Kolloquium im Sommersemester 2023