We are proud to announce that our chair will be presenting their research with three papers at the ECML PKDD 2024 conference in Vilnius.
moreNews - Data Science Chair
Our paper proposes a novel adapter-based approach to integrate knowledge from knowledge graphs into large language models (LLMs).
moreSucessful NAACL 2024
06/26/2024We had a succesful NAACL 2024 in Mexico City! We showcased "SuperGLEBer" - the first comprehensive German language benchmark, earned a best paper honorable mention with our hierarchical classifier, and even presented the Roman Empire's take on model hallucinations!
moreOur Paper "Data Generation for Explainable Occupational Fraud Detection" was accepted at KI 2024
06/21/2024In our paper, we use multi-agent systems to simulate labeled company data, allowing us to automatically detect and explain occupational fraud in otherwise unlabeled data.
moreWe are happy to announce that our paper "GrINd: Grid Interpolation Network for Scattered Observations" got accepted for the Research Track at ECML-PKDD 2024! In our work we investigate if Fourier Interpolation can improve the prediction accuracy of physical systems in a low-resolution data regime on the Dynabench Benchmark.
moreNeubau für das KI-Zentrum CAIDAS eröffnet
04/19/2024So schnell kann es gehen: Nach nur einem Jahr Bauzeit war der Neubau für das KI-Zentrum CAIDAS der Universität fertig. Zur Eröffnung kam Bayerns Wissenschaftsminister Markus Blume.
moreIn our paper, we use generative diffusion models to aid a specific type of explainable AI methods, allowing them to better explain machine learning models that detect anomalous activities.
moreIn our paper, we assemble a broad Natural Language Understanding benchmark suite for the German language and consequently evaluate a wide array of existing German-capable models in order to create a better understanding of the current state of German LLMs.
moreOur paper "Marina: Realizing ML-driven Real-time Network Traffic Monitoring at Terabit Scale" has been accepted in the IEEE journal on Transactions on Network and Service Management. The paper is a result of our cooperation with the Prof. Dr. Tobias Hoßfeld and the chair of Communication Networks at the University of Würzburg.