Bessel-Award for Prof. Dusan Stipanovic
The highly reputed Bessel-Award of the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Foundation received this year Prof. Dr. Dusan Stipanovich for joined research on cooperating robots and satellites in Würzburg.
MehrThe highly reputed Bessel-Award of the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Foundation received this year Prof. Dr. Dusan Stipanovich for joined research on cooperating robots and satellites in Würzburg.
MehrOn 12.4.1958 Jury Gagarin was lauched as first human into space and so 12th April was declared as official day of manned space flight.
MehrHamidreza Houshiar (supervised by Prof. Nüchter) has successfully defended his thesis and obtained his doctorate.
MehrA news article about the longevity of our UWE-3 cubesat, which after 3 years in orbit is still going strong, was published (in German) in the einBLICK magazine of the university.