Lehrstuhl für Informatik VII - Robotik und Telematik

Lista-price for Frauke Driewer


The excellence of the MSc-thesis of our collaborator Frauke Driewer has been honoured by the LISTA-price for application oriented research. Frauke Driewer's work on "Virtual Reality User Interface for Home Automation and Home Robotics" has been carried out under Prof. Schilling's supervision at the institute of Prof. Halme in Helsinki University of Technology (Finland). Here research emphasis is on technologies to support elderly and disabled people to continue living in their familiar home environment. She developped in this context innovative approaches
- to use virtual reality methods for easy handling of equipment,
- in the area of path planning, allowing a mobile robot to find
autonomously his way to a target location in order to execute a given task. This price will be transferred during a celebration at the 14th International Technology Fair "Intertech" on 6. November in Friedrichshafen.

The German LISTA-/TEBO-price winners. In the center
Mrs. Frauke Driewer, behind her on the left her
supervisor Prof. Schilling