Deutsch Intern
Institute of Computer Science

AI in the project economy


Professor Harald Wehnes publishes the book "KI in der Projektwirtschaft", which deals with the various facets of the question "What is changing through AI in project management".

The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) has fundamentally changed the way we work, live and interact.
AI also has the potential to bring about significant changes in the project economy, which contributes 1.2 trillion euros to gross value added in Germany.

Professor Harald Wehnes from the Chair of Computer Science III, together with his two colleagues Christian Bernert and Professor Steffen Scheurer, has published the book "KI in der Projektwirtschaft" (AI in the project economy) published by UVK Verlag. The book is divided into 4 main topics that deal with the question "What changes does AI bring to the project economy?". It comprises 25 chapters by 50 authors and will be available in bookstores from January 15, 2024.

Planning has already begun for the second volume, which will deal with "Concrete applications of AI in projects with reports from the practice". Volume 2 should be available in bookstores from mid-June 2024.
