Deutsch Intern
Institute of Computer Science


Please follow these steps to apply to the computer science MSc programme:

  1. Submit your application documents as outlined below. The admission requirements are further detailed in the Section 4 of the FSB, as well as in the FSB’s Appendix, Section 2 (3).
  2. Your application documents will be subject to an aptitude test conducted by our department (FSB’s Appendix, Section 4). In case your grades are not sufficient, you might still be admitted to the programme for as long as you achieve an accordingly better grade in an aptitude assessment procedure. 
  3. After successfully passing the aptitude test, you will receive a letter of admission. 
  4. With this certificate, you will need to enrol in the CS MSc programme by registering and paying the semester fees (these are not tuition fees and cover, for instance, use of public traffic in the city of Würzburg). Please follow this link for more information and instructions.

Further information can also be found on the pages of the office for student affairs and the international office.

The application deadline for the summer semester is October 15
The application deadline for the winter semester is April 15

Any exam results that have not been officially recorded until that date can be handed in until March 15 or September 15 respectively.

The application period for the summer semester 2025 starts on August 30th, 2024. The application procedure will be updated then. Make sure that you follow the updated instructions and use the updated forms.

Please direct any questions regarding your application or any additional documents after the deadline to


Admission requirements

The subject-specific provisions in the current revision of 2021 state the following requirements for the application to the computer science master programme:

  1. A successfully completed Bachelor's degree equivalent to 180 ECTS credit points
  2. Having acquired at least 100 ECTS credit points in fundamental computer science and math courses, including at least 25 ECTS credit points on mathematical and theoretical computer science topics
  3. A completed thesis on a computer science topic equivalent to 10 ECTS credit points
  4. Either German or English language (B2 level) proficiency

If you fulfil these requirements and your degree grade in the German grading system is 2.5 or better you can be directly admitted to the programme. If you fulfil these requirements but with a grade worse than 2.5 you can still be invited to an oral aptitude test for admittance.



Application instructions

Applicants with a Higher Education Entrance Qualification from Germany

Applications must be submitted online by email to using the subject "Application to the Computer Science Master Winter Semester 2024" until April 15th, 2024. All documents must be directly attached to the mail. All attachments in total should not be larger than 15MiB or the mail might be rejected.

Required Documents

  • Completely filled out Excel-Sheet (if you're having compatibility problems you can try an alternative version for Libreoffice)
  • Transcript of Records
  • A copy of your Bachelor's thesis or an equivalent research paper
  • Bachelor certificate

Any exam results that have not been officially recorded until that date can be handed in by March 15 (for applications to the summer semester) or September 15 (for applications to the winter semester).

Please Note: We will ignore any application email which links to documents on a third party site (e.g. Google drive) and does not directly attach the application documents!

International Applicants without a Higher Education Entrance Qualification from Germany

International applicants without a German higher education entrance qualification must additionally fill out the application form of the International Office and send it, as well as officially certified copies of all necessary documents with the subject "Application to the Computer Science Master Winter Semester 2024" to As well as by post to:

Institute of Informatik
c/o Florian Metzger
University of Würzburg
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg

Both the email and the postal application must be received by the University by April 15th.

Please note: Documents that are not issued in German or English must additionally be submitted with an officially certified translation into German or English. See our translation and certification guidelines. We will ignore any application email which links to documents on a third party site (e.g. Google drive) and does not directly attach the application documents!

Required Documents (Email)

  • Completely filled out Excel-Sheet (if you're having compatibility problems you can try an alternative version for Libreoffice)
  • Completely filled Application form of the International Students Office
  • Transcript of Records
  • Bachelor certificate
  • A copy of your Bachelor's thesis or an equivalent research paper
  • B2 German or English proficiency certificate (e.g. IELTS or a proof of English/German as a medium of instruction in your Bachelor's degree)
  • Higher education entrance qualification certificate (e.g. high school diploma)
  • uni-Assist VPD (only if you do not have a Bachelor's degree from a university in Germany)

Any exam results that have not been officially recorded until that date can be handed in by March 15 (for applications to the summer semester) or September 15 (for applications to the winter semester).

Required Documents (Post)

  • Completely filled Application form of the International Office
  • Officially certified copy of your Transcript of Records
  • Officially certified copy of your Bachelor certificate
  • Officially certified copy of your B2 German or English proficiency certificate (e.g. IELTS or a proof of English/German as a medium of instruction in your Bachelor's degree)
  • Officially certified copy of your Higher education entrance qualification certificate (e.g. high school diploma)
  • Applicants from China, Vietnam and India must apply in advance for a certificate from the Akademischen Prüfstelle (APS) and submit it as an original together with the other application documents
  • uni-Assist VPD (only if you do not have a Bachelor's degree from a university in Germany)

Notes on officially certified copies and translations

Applicants who have received an admission letter in the previous semester

If you have already successfully applied to the Master's in Computer Science in a previous semester, have not yet enrolled and want to defer your admission to the next semester, you may not need to submit a full application again. Instead, please send your previous admission letter to and request to be issued an updated admission letter.

Aptitude test

If you fulfil the admission requirements and your degree grade is 2.5 or better (in the German grading system) you can be directly admitted to the programme. If you fulfil these requirements but with a grade worse than 2.5 you can be invited to an oral aptitude test for admittance.

This 30 minute oral test examines your knowledge in these areas:

  • Theoretical computer science
  • Practical computer science (algorithms and data structures, programming, software technology)
  • Technical computer science (digital computer systems, information transmission)

If a large number of aptitude tests would be required we can also switch to a written exam. This will be announced sufficiently in advance.

The required grade in the aptitude test in order to be admitted depends on the grade of your Bachelor's degree. If your first degree was completed in the standard length of programme you will also receive a grade bonus of 0.5.

Grade of
Bachelor's degree

Required grade
in the aptitude test

Required grade if Bachelor's degree
in standard length of programme
2.6 - 3.0 4.0 No aptitude test required
3.1 - 3.5 3.0 3.5
3.6 - 4.0 2.0 2.5


If you have any subject-specific questions about the application process please contact the course advisory service. More general application questions can be directed to the central academic advisory service, the student's office or the international office.