Deutsch Intern
Institute of Computer Science

Prospective students

An old definition identifies computer science as the science of electronic data processing and its fundamentals. But with its continuing development, computer science has vastly outgrown this definition and expanded its area.
Computer science deals with methods to systematically and methodically process information. It originates from aspects related to information technology from fields such as mathematics, linguistics, physics and eletrical engineering. Computer science is much more than just programming and computer code. Thus, it is not surprising can provide you with many ways to specialise yourself in computer science with a wide suite of different degree programmes provide by a diverse set of chairs and professors that conduct research on diverse research topics.

What should I expect in the computer science degree programmes?

Taking this online self assessment (available in German only) for computer science can help you give some insights into typical computer science questions. If you are still uncertain, you can also try another online self asseessment provided by the project MINTFIT.

If you think computer science is for you be sure to visit our programme overview page. We offer much more than "just" computer science!

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