Deutsch Intern
Institute of Computer Science

Disadvantage compensation

For students with a disability or chronic illness, studying is often more difficult. Regulations on compensation for disadvantages are intended to ensure that these students have equal study and examination conditions.

At the University of Würzburg, there is a central point of contact in the form of the KIS (Contact and Information Center for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illness). There you will find a lot of information about support possibilities in your studies beyond the compensation for disadvantages.

The compensation for disadvantages already starts with the admission to the study program with the hardship regulations. For hardship cases, 1% of the study places of a study program are reserved. For information on how to apply, please also refer to the information sheet on hardship applications (in german) issued by the Office of Student Affairs.

For the compensation of disadvantages in examinations, the KIS has an information page (in german) on which, in addition to a comprehensive brochure on the framework conditions and possibilities, examples of measures to compensate for disadvantages in examinations and academic achievements (in german) are listed. Another brochure provides information on the compensation of disadvantages in the case of diagnosed dyslexia and dyscalculia (in german).

It is important that you always also contact the faculty - preferably the Dean of Studies Office - for concrete planning of measures.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science also has a faculty representative for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses. This function is currently held by Prof. Dr. Frank Puppe. The KIS maintains an overview of the faculty representatives  at the University of Würzburg.

Teachers can also seek advice from the KIS on barrier-free design of teaching and on forms of compensation for disadvantages.