Deutsch Intern
Institute of Computer Science

Successful Girls'Day 2023


This year, the Institute of Computer Science once again hosted a successful Girls' Day.

On April 27, Girls' Day 2023 began for the more than 20 participants with a joint lecture in the Zuse lecture hall. There, the subject of computer science was introduced and a student, a doctoral student and a professor reported on their everyday life in computer science. Afterwards, the students split up into various workshops, where they could try out the variety of computer science in a playful way - from social robots to music processing and chatbots to game programming and VR worlds.

The Institute of Computer Science is very happy about the large number of participants and we would like to thank all of them for the very good evaluations. We hope to continue to welcome numerous female students at future Girls' Days - and we would be pleased to have awakened the interest of some participants in studying computer science.

More information and impressions of Girls'Day 2023 (only in German)
