Deutsch Intern
Institute of Computer Science


News archive

Residenzlauf 2023


Am Sonntag, den 30. April findet der Residenzlauf 2023 statt. Wie letztes Jahr, wird wieder ein Team der Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik beim Hauptlauf über 10 km an den Start gehen.


The new computer science professor Carlo D'Eramo works in the field of artificial intelligence. He is an expert in a special form of machine learning called reinforcement learning.


The study of unknown phenomena in the air is finding its way into teaching: space engineer Professor Hakan Kayal has designed a lecture specifically for this purpose.


On February 13/14, 2023, the kick-off workshop of the DFG Emmy-Noether junior research group "UserNet" took place, where research group leader Dr. Michael Seufert invited the associated partners to Würzburg to set the starting signal for the research activities.



Excellent AI work


The students Simon Hentschel (Computer Science) and Stanislaus Kruschinski (English Studies) have received awards for their final theses. Both worked on artificial intelligence.

